Steamy sauna

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Hiroshi x Kage

Kage pinned Hiroshi against the tiled wall. It started when he was at the indoor pool- a modern communal pool in his apartment with gritty concrete walls and black, fogged stained glass panes.

Kage had sat in the sauna, jerking himself off, his head thrown back.

He was embarrassingly noisy by himself- he couldn't stop moaning and gasping his crushes name, Hiroshi. But like a genie in a bottle being summoned, Hiroshi right then opened the door.

Hiroshi explained how the others were in the pool and said he'd be here, but while he spoke he couldn't avert his eyes from staring at Kage hustling to get his pants back on, glimpsing his hard penis again and again.

Neither could remember what had happened in between that when Hiroshi's ass was pinned against the wall, him and Kage searingly making out.

Hiroshi was half naked with his pants still on and pushed against the gritty, white tiled walls, Kage muscling him hard against his chest and stirring his tongue in Hiroshi's mouth like stirring batter for a cream puff. But to bake a cream puff, it takes many other steps than stirring...

Kage would occasionally whisper teases to Hiroshi, his warm breath creating condensation on the latter's ear. Kage then teasingly pulled his tongue out, a string of saliva hanging between the two.

They both panted loudly in front of eachother like dogs, creating a heated mist. Though the fog masked whatever reaction Kage had, Hiroshi could feel something hard in Kage's pants rub against his crotch that he didn't feel before.

He blushed even harder, as it kept rubbing against him. Hiroshi started to moan, soft at first. But as Kage intentionally started rubbing it against him, harder, he moaned louder and louder.

Both their heads were slick with sweat, Kage's messy shoulder-length  blonde-dyed hair and Hiroshi's fluffy black hair. Kage's huge, scrunched up penis felt like a smooth rock rubbing hard with friction against Hiroshi's, their pants the only thing separating them from touching.

Hiroshi felt himself getting hard too, knowing Kage would feel it, and he did. "Oh~ Hiroshi, did you get hard for me?" He said, smirking, as he reached into Hiroshi's pants and Hiroshi moaned loudly.

Kage fondled and played with Hiroshi's hard dick, before pulling it out and pulling Hiroshi's pants and boxers down in one swift motion. Hiroshi blushed and whimpered harder, his bare ass cheeks clapping against the cold tiles.

Kage stroked Hiroshi's cock for a bit, before sliding off his shorts and showing his own hard dick, before he started rubbing the bare heads against each other. Hiroshi got squirmy against the wall, but he took his other hand and held Hiroshi's hips in place temporarily.

"Do you want it in you baby?"
Kage said, his voice deep and dominant. Hiroshi opened his eyes, which had been closed from his body feeling so sensitive.
He opened his mouth to say something, but a sweet, loud moan replaced his words.

"Are we speaking in moans, now?" The top teased. "Use your words, and I'm sure we can both get what we want" he smirked.
Hiroshi hissed, before managing "Y-yes, ah~! Uh~ Please, I want it in me..."

"Want? Does it really matter that much?" Kage said, raising his eyebrows.
"N-no! I need it~ please! Do whatever you want...ugh~" Hiroshi said, Kage making a mess of him.

"Consider it done"
Kage flipped Hiroshi so his hard dick slapped against the wall.
"Stay there" Kage ordered, walking away and fishing a packet of lube out of his bag. He tore it open, then dipped his fingers in.

He teasingly rubbed it up and down against Hiroshi's cleft, passing his asshole multiple times, before stopping at the rim and circling it, like an "X marks the spot".

Then he slid one finger in, digging inside and stretching the tight pink hole. Hiroshi moaned, as Kage slid 2 more fingers in, preparing him for Kage's thick dick.

He slowly replaced his fingers outside, rubbing the head of his cock around Hiroshi's ass. Hiroshi bucked and gasped, but Kage was slathering his own penis with lube, then Kage immediately slid in, holding Hiroshi in place before slowly moving.

Hiroshi wanted more so badly, he pushed out his ass backwards, grinding against Kage.
"Oh, you horny slut. You really wanted it that bad did you?" Kage puffed, thrusting harder inside of Hiroshi.

Hiroshi face turned sour with embarrassment and blush, letting Kage make fun of him being so vulnerable like this. It was true, he wanted it so badly. But Kage guided his ass back against the wall so he stopped grinding, letting Kage do all the work.

The two were moaning, gasping messes, sweat trickling down like a stream along the line of Hiroshi's back. Kage licked it all up, from the top of Hiroshi's butt crack straight to his neck. Hiroshi whimpered, he just wanted Kage to keep fucking him.

Kage grabbed Hiroshi's hips, moving them in medium-speed circles against Kage's fast, thrashing cock, before letting go as they settled into a routine of swirling around against Kage.

What after this? Kage thought. Would they be secretly dating? What would Hiroshi do? A voice in his head replied to him,
Just enjoy the moment. Kage agreed. Just enjoy this great moment, where he thrusted as fast as a pen gliding quickly on paper.

Hiroshi was nearly losing consciousness, knowing he was close to coming. His eyes were shut, his forehead pressed against the wall, bouncing from Kage inside of him as he grinded against him.

Splat! With a loud moan, Hiroshi came against the tiled wall, as it dripped yellowish-white and onto the floor. Kage gritted his teeth too as his can of whipped cream filled Hiroshi the cream puff up, Hiroshi's eyes rolling back from the ecstasy.

It dripped down their legs, as Kage pulled out with a few drops of cum still shaking from his droopy penis. He was soft again after he and Hiroshi orgasmed, but now he was cleaning himself and Hiroshi's ass with his towel.

He cupped his hand and peeled Hiroshi's face off from against the wall. His eyes fluttered open, as he came unpinned from the wall, turning to face Kage. He forgot he was naked, but made no attempt to cover himself as Kage stared at his penis.

"Guess I solved your problem" Kage said, his smile cocky. Hiroshi glared at him as he turned to another corner of the room to get dressed, but he knew Kage was still spying on him.

When Hiroshi didn't say anything, Kage said "That was fun, you know". This time he was smiling warmly, not smirking like he was during their session. Hiroshi held his gaze this time. "Uhm-yeah..." he blushed, not knowing what to say.
"I was hoping we could do that again sometime" Hiroshi murmured, looking away from Kage.

"Well, you'd have to be my boyfriend to get that again" he grinned.
"I guess that's not that bad" Hiroshi said, walking out of the sauna with Kage.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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