Demon x prisoner

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"Well well well what do we have here..." the demon said seductively as he walked towards his prisoner. The prisoner was stripped, tied to a bed, and blindfolded after he tried to steal the prince's crown.

"Do you like being tied up?" The prisoner squirmed. He did like being tied up and thought the prince was very attractive but didn't want to admit it. The demon looked at his prisoner's erect cock. "Well i think we can tell by your
erm...issue" he teased.

The demon took off the blindfold the prisoner had on. He looked into the demons eyes. Although he was a demon he didn't look it. He was the most gorgeous man he had ever seen. He had snow pale skin, dark brown, almost black, eyes, and black hair.
"Since you decided to try and steal from me.... I can do whatever want with you" the demon whispered too close to the prisoners face. The prisoner stayed silent. "Can you not talk now? you sure as hell gave my guards a mouthful."

"Well I guess I'll just have to make you scream my name" the demon said as he took off what little clothes he had on, revealing his hard, leaking cock. The demon untied one of the prisoner's hands and put it on his dick. "Jerk off me prisoner"
He obeyed, kind of liking it, and jerked off the prince. The prince groaned softly. "go faster prisoner..." The prisoner started jerking him off as fast as he could. the demon prince gasped and groaned.

"you're so good at this you slut!" the prince muttered. The prisoner smiled and nodded. "open your goddamn mouth." the prince ordered. The prisoner obeyed and opened his mouth wide for the prince. The prince continued letting the prisoner jerk him off and came on his face. "keep going prisoner" the prince groaned out. The prisoner continued jerking off the prince while the prince untied his other hand. "jerk yourself off too slut!" prince ordered, still feeling sensitive from his last release. "and do not cum until i tell you"

The prince felt himself reaching his climax again and ordered the prisoner to open his mouth. He had been silent the whole time but when he opened his mouth, a small moan came out. The prince smirked. "Finally making nois- Oh my god!" The prince cut himself off as he reached his climax on his prisoner's face again.

The prince fully untied the prisoner and flipped him over on his stomach. "Want me to fuck you?" The prisoner nodded a little bit. The prince smirked. He grabbed prisoner's ass cheeks and spread them then licked prisoner's asshole. The prisoner gasped loudly. The prince smirked and did it again. Prisoner let out a soft whimper.

The prince teased prisoner with his tongue for a little while longer but then felt himself getting more erect. He lubed up his cock and started pounding into prisoner. The prisoner moaned loudly and gripped the bed. "You like that prisoner? Huh?" Prisoner simply nodded. The prince grabbed the prisoner's hair and pulled on it. "Use your goddamn words!" The prince pounded into him harder, still holding his head up by his hair. "Are you my whore?" "Y-yes sir! i-im your whore!" Prisoner finally moaned out.

The prince let go of prisoner's head. "Good" The prince smacked prisoner's ass and the prisoner moaned. "You like that don't you?" "Yes s-sir" The prince smirked. Although prisoner didn't talk much, he was quite loud in bed. While prisoner was about to cum, the prince suddenly pulled out. The prisoner whimpered softly. The prince smirked. "Lay on your back." Prisoner obeyed and laid on his back. "While i fuck will be completely silent unless i ask you a question or speak to you or i will punish you. Understood?" The prince demanded. "Yes sir. I understand" The prince entered prisoner again and prisoner put his hand over his mouth.
The prince took both of prisoner's hands and pinned them to the bed then started thrusting. Prisoner was trying his best not to moan.

"Does that feel good?" the prince asked as he sped up his thrusts.
"Y-yes" The prisoner stuttered out. The prince, wanting to make prisoner moan started pounding into him faster. The prisoner gasped. "What was that baby?" "I-i gasped..." prisoner said, ashamed he could not do as the prince said. The prince pulled out and tied prisoner up and put a blindfold on him again. The prince grabbed a dildo and shoved it in prisoner's ass. "I'm going to fuck you with this dildo and you can not cum until i say and if you cum without permission, The punishment will be ten times worse. Understood?" " y-yes sir" replied the prisoner. the prince took the dildo and shoved it in and out prisoner's ass.

The prisoner moaned loudly each time the dildo entered and exited his ass. The prince took his free hand and started jerking off. The prince sped up the dildo"s thrusts. "Do you want to cum yet prisoner?" The prince asked. "Y-yes i d-do sir!" The prisoner moaned out, truly feeling close to orgasming. "Hm too bad" the prince chuckled, fucking prisoner harder with the dildo.
Prisoner moaned loudly, almost screaming and the prince was about to cum on his prisoner's ass. "s-sir! I'm s-so close!" Prisoner groaned out.
"Can I c-cum yet?" He asked. The prince smacked prisoner's ass. "I said not until i say so."

The prince continued jerking himself off while fucking prisoner with the dildo and was about to cum. "Prisoner don't cum yet." the prince said noticing how squirmy his prisoner had gotten. The prince moaned loudly as he released on prisoner's ass. He started filling prisoner faster and harder with the dildo. "You can cum baby" as soon as the prince said that prisoner came all over himself. The prince took the dildo out and replaced it with a vibrator. He turned the vibrator on to the highest setting and walked towards his prisoner's head. "You may only cum twice while I'm gone. Bye baby." The prince whispered into his ear as he gagged him to quiet his moans then walked out the room.

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