episode 6: The arguement

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    ‼️ violets,Yelling and swearing‼️
Recap: fund,jack and eret took (y/n) and Niki inside the ven, that when something happen.

Wilbur pov:

"HEYYYYYY, YOU CAN'T JUST WALK IN LIKE YOUR THE KING OR SOMETHING" Tommy Siad Yelling at Dream " oh I can't, but they can" Dream siad as he was pointing at something, I look over and I see sapnap and George was climbing over the wall's in to l'menburg. 'oh no' I thought "Tommy, tubbo go to the Ven and tell the other's that George and sapnap are in l'menburg go now,now,now" as I Siad that Tubbo ran straight to the Ven but Tommy didn't he was just look at me with a angry face and Tommy yell at me "NO WILL, I'M STAYING WITH YOU" I look at the Young boy with a shock look on my face. "Haha" Dream giggled, I look at Dream and saw that he was looking at something behind us so I looked behind us and saw that that sapnap and gnf was in the Ven and then I realise what they were doing. There taking her/him/them, There taking (y/n) "NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT" Tommy shouted but Dream just smile and Siad "oh, but I can Tommy" I look at the Ven to see that George has (y/n) in his hends, I bolted to Ven but it was to late George and sapnap was all ready gone and so was (y/n). I look outside and saw Tommy fighting dream but before I went to help him, I want to the Ven first to see if the others were ok.

Tubbo's pov

I ran to the Ven and saw that sapnap and George was all ready in the Ven and George has (y/n) in his hand "hey let her/him/them go" I said with my sword in my hends "how about no" sapnap said to me, as I look at the ground to saw that fund, jack and eret were on the ground and before I know it so was I. I look up and saw that they were gone that's when wilbur came in with a sad look, he look at me and kneeled down to me and said "it's all my fault will it's all my fault" I say to him. He look at me and kneeled down to me and said"hey tubbo it's ok and it's not your fault" I looked at wilbur and I just knotted, wilbur help me up and I went on to the medical bed "hey will" I heard jack Say.

Jack's POV

"Hey will" I siad looking up at him "hey Jack, you ok" he Siad back "yea I'm good" I Siad back but as I look at wilbur, will give me his hand so I can get up and I saw that Tommy was on the ground. I ran outside of the l'manvan to check if he was ok "Tommy are you all right" I siad to him "yea I'm fine Jack".

(A/n): 511 words not include author's notes, eat some water and drink some food ok byebye

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