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Mr bananas pov: One day, I woke up away from our home tree I saw a beautiful banana next to me. But then, a farmer plucked out that one eye catching almost ripe banana I think her name was Mrs banana 2.0. that was when I started getting ripe, I fell in love with the most beautiful gorgeous banana. Once she was gone, everyone of my family tree, of bananas was gone! I was the last to get picked... Cuz I was not slay!🥲 And I have no friends..*starts to vent but we'll cut it out 😘*

Mrs bananas pov: Once I arrived at the supermarket, I was in a bundle of bananas I didn't know. There were all not slay. But when I saw Mr banana someone who I've never talked to was so so so attractive.. he was not like other bananas.. he was silly.. goofy even more slay!

Credits to me of course and kyooonj_

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