- || Mermaid's Past || -

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( This chapter is surprisingly short considering it's Niki's backstory and everything, btw all of this is not canon to the actual DSMP story line, except for the characters and little facts that the characters have in this story. )

Death, Kidnapping, Descriptions of dead bodies.

"Princess Niki, it's time to wake up dear." A soft voice spoke as the young mermaids brown eyes slowly fluttered open. A hand was placed on Niki's shoulder, lightly shaking her as her eyes fully opened and were met with mossy green ones. The princess yawned with a big stretch before registering the person who had woken her up. Niki recognized that it was Sally, her mother's favorite assistant. 

"Good morning Miss Sally!" Niki said, in her usual bubbly tone. "Good morning Princess Niki." Sally's bright smile always matched with her beautiful ginger hair. Sally rose from the shell style bed Niki was laying on and swam over to the Princess' closet and looked through it, trying to find something for Niki to wear for the big day. It was her 10th birthday after all!

Niki left the warmth and comfort of her bed and after fixing the blanket, swam over to Sally. "Which would you like to wear Princess?" Sally said camly as she turned around and showed Niki two beautiful long dresses. "Hmm... that one!" Niki yelled happily, pointing at the yellow dress. Sally nodded with a smile and grabbed the dress and some other accessories, placing them all on the bed.

Niki swam over to her mirror and lowered on to the stool in front of it, her short scaly grey tail waving happily as she sat down

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Niki swam over to her mirror and lowered on to the stool in front of it, her short scaly grey tail waving happily as she sat down. Sally went over to Niki, taking the yellow dress and lowering it over her head. She helped Niki put her arms through the sleeves and untangled her short brown and blonde hair from the dress. 

Sally grabbed the strings at the back of the dress pulling them tight enough so that it wouldn't fall off Niki's torso and shoulders but loose enough so that she could breathe. Sally grabbed the pearl decorated brush on the mirror desk and began to guide it through Niki's semi-knotted hair. 

Sally made sure to be very careful, as to not hurt the child. After a lot of brushing, Niki's hair looked stunning. Sally collected all of it, grabbing a hair tie from a drawer and styled her hair in to a bun. She turned Niki around so she wasn't looking at the mirror anymore and instead at Sally. Sally fixed Niki's hair, letting her bangs out, but tucking them slightly behind her axolotl-like ears.

After adding earrings, some rings, her crown, and her pearl necklace, she was finally ready. "Come on Princess, let's go!" Sally said, starting to leave the room with Niki following her quickly.

Time Skip-

The young mermaid giggled happily as she danced with her Mother. The large Underwater City sung beautiful melodies together with an uplifting atmosphere in the Town Square. "Papa! Come and dance with us!" The mermaid shouted as she dragged her Father over, maneuvering past the coral covering the floor and the three began to dance together, laughing and joking around. 

As her parents both lovingly danced with each other she witnessed something shiny in the corner of her eye behind the rows of houses. 

She turned to where she saw it and it was gone. She began to swim over to the area where it was last seen and just as she picked the foreign object up she heard screaming and turned around to a horrid sight. How could something so heartwarming turn in to a traumatizing, horrible experience? She stared in horror as thousands of merfolk swam in different directions and a large shadow covered the ocean. Niki realised it was a ship full of pirates and they were launching out thousands of nets, trying to catch the merfolk.

Niki quickly swam over, trying to find her parents, watching many of the merfolk she had grown up with dead, injured, or swimming for their lives, Niki almost felt like throwing up when she saw tons of mermaids with hooks and spears in their stomaches. 

Niki spotted her parents just as they were caught in a net. "MAMA! PAPA!" Niki cried out, about to swim over to them before seeing a net about to fall over her head, just then she was pushed out of the way. "Princess, we have to go!" Niki turned to who had saved her and saw Sally, her eyes held a scared glint to them and she was looking around for any more traps.

"But, m-my parents!" Niki protested before being dragged off. "We don't have time!" Sally retorted. As they swam away from the Kingdom Niki looked back and saw her parents being lifted to the surface, injured and bleeding. She began to sob and clung on to Sally, who looked at her sympathetically, holding her hand tight but not stopping.

1 Week Later-

It had been a week since that... 'event' had happened and Niki and Sally had found a small cave to hide in that was hidden by coral. Niki was in a depressive state, she rarely ever ate anything and Sally could often hear her crying when she thought Sally was asleep. Niki was terrified somebody would take her as well and Sally agreed to sleep right next to her to make sure she was okay.

When Niki did manage to fall asleep, she often had night terrors of that day. Sally became very overprotective of Niki and rarely let her leave the cave. The only way Niki could see outside of the cave was through a circular hole in the wall, and even though they caused her the must grief, she was still fascinated with the humans in the world above her.

Little did she know that her little fixation would cause her whole life to change.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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