Chapter - 16

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As Shivaay left Aaru soon entered the base making way to hall as quickly as possible

'Oh dear lord..why is this path this long' she thought as she was on the way to hall

'' Morning Agent.Black'' greeted some as they pass by her

''Morning guys" Aaru greeted back 'Wait why are everyone looking at me like that' she thought as she felt their gaze

''Whatever..'' she said ignoring them

Soon she reached the hall and was greeted by Sheetal, Neil and...Mahi

"Morning guys" she said taking off her bag and sitting in the empty chair

"Morning Aaru" said Neil and Sheetal in unison which confused poor Ruanya

"What happen?" She asked confused

"Nothing hon by the way where is your di?" Asked Sheetal with tht foolish and teasing smile

"Oh di can't come today she is busy doing...." WORK" " Anya indirectly saying she is with Shivaay

"The same "WORK" you do here Aaru?" Neil questioned

"Huh?..What?" (Anya)

"Nothing they are just weird you know" Replied Mahi who looked tried

"Okaaay..anyways Sheetal i want to ask you something" Aaru said as she just nodded to Mahi's words

"Go ahead" Sheetal said

"Is there anything you are hiding from us?" She asked making both Mahi and Neil turn their full attention to them

"What do you mean?" (Sheetal)

"I said 6 of best Agents of this organisation are gathered here for a mere want me to believe that?" Aaru asked raising her brows

"What are you trying to convey Ruanya?" Questioned Mahi turning off his mobile and sitting more attentively

"I am trying to say that there is something bigger reason for us to be gathered here than that party and i want to know what it is" Anya said leaning back in her chair

"Are you trying to question the authorities Anya?" Asked Neil in disbelief as it is considered as a big mistake

"No..i just wanna know the truth Bhai" Anya answered

" are correct Anya" Sheetal replied after a long silence

Making all three look at her "i want to discuss this with you later but it looks like some already found something" Sheetal added as she examined the way Anya talks and her laptop bag

"Go ahead tell us" (Anya)

"I will tell you only if you say what you found out Anya" Sheetal said putting on her serious face

"Fine" Anya replied as she accepted her defeat

"Not me but Di found herself in a dimension last night" she added

"Dimension..yesterday?..on full moons night? Don't lie Ruanya" Mahi said raising her brows

"I am not lying and it was a dark dimension" she replied

"DARK DIMENSION?" Nearly yelled Neil and Mahi at once

"Yes..and for God sake let me finish" Anya said getting annoyed

"And.. apparently it's boss was a human or a monster who look like human who can touch a holy weapon and di was able to come out of the dimension without killing him" Anya finished in one go and looked at people around her while Mahi and Neil were too shocked to speak Sheetal was calm as if she already know

"Sigh...let's me explain"

"From last month there has been many cases of dimension breaks..we lost many of our comrades...and we did some research and found out that all of this dimensions have monsters who look like humans" Sheetal added

And stopped to look at her comrades who are listening all seriously

"And this humans were actually missing here in this world " She said

"So you are telling us..that someone is kidnapping humans from here and selling them or sending them to those monsters?" Mahi asked

"Yes..that's what we think..but still can't find a link or connection between the people who have been none of them are connected to eachother they haven't even met other " Sheetal answered

"Hmm....I guess they maybe kidnapping people jus randomly i mean i don't think Viray who never been to India has to do something with it" Anya said

"Viraj..who's that?" Asked Neil

"The monster or human from dark dimension from yesterday" she replied

"You know him?" Mahi questioned

"Yes..i mean no he sat beside me in the plane" Anya explained

"So what do you know about him?" Sheetal asked now

"Ahh...his name is Viraj Aram he is from New York..never been to India before..was coming to India to attend his friends wedding and he was last seen exiting the airport" Anya said proudly of her findings

"So..what should we do now?" Neil asked

"First..let's discuss more about this after everyone is here and we will try to find some more information about it" Sheetal answered looking at her sheets

"Fine then I will go and investigate some more about Viraj" Anya said getting up and grabbing her bag

"You alone?" Mehi asked

" Yea..i mean who would even mess with me...and for your information even if someone did I can protect myself " Anya replied in her attitude

"Oh.. excuse me..I was not caring for you..i was actually asking do you even know streets of Mumbai?" He asked taunting her

Aaru's attitude and pride went down the hill and she blushed red with embarrassment

"That's what I thought..let me accompany you" Mahi said

"You two siblings are trying to kill me with embarrassment" she mumbled

"Huh?" Mahi said as he didn't listen what she said

"Nothing" Anya said

"Fine wait here i will grab my things" Mahi said as he left to get his things

"Guess I am stuck being with him.." she said with a sweet smile on her face and eyes

Which didn't unnoticed by the remaining two who shared a look and smiled

"By the way..Sheetu why is this base so deep inside the ground..i mean do you know how many steps i had to take to get here" Anya wined coming back to her childish behaviour

"Arey Tum kyu ro hahi hi Rona thu mujey hoga...tummara kya agaar chaho tho tummey vutha kar ley janey walley loog hai" Sheetal said

"What do you mean?" Anya asked

"What do you mean by what do I mean?..." Sheetal answered her question with another question

"Oh..stop it now Anya everyone saw how Mahi lifted you up and carried you all the way to your room" Sheetal added

"What... WHAT?!" Anay asked in disbelief


"Not everyone saw it but the ones who did convey it to others and by the way here" Sheetal replied in calm tone and left followed by Neil

But before she left she send Aaru a pic of Mahi carring her

Aaru's mouth was wide open in shock she was so angry that she can kill anyone now

"MAHI!" she said out loud as she was started to go towards his room





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