Chapter 11: In the Void

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'Niklaus!' Elijah called out, running up the steps with Hope in his arms and me following behind him. They laid Hope on the ground tenderly. 'She just collapsed.' 

'Quiet,' he said, and placed his fingers on her neck. 'No heartbeat,' he said. 'Please, please. Hope! Get Caroline. Tell her to bring her girls.' Elijah remained for a moment. 'Go!' he screamed. Elijah and I vamp sped off, and Klaus began a desperate series of chest compressions. 'Please come back to me. Hope! Hope!' After a few moments, she suddenly gasped and sat up. 

'Dad!' she breathed with relief. 

'Oh, you're okay. You're okay,' he said, pulling her into a shaky hug, the both of them sobbing with relief. When they pulled apart, tears were freely flowing down her face. 

'Dad, I don't want to die. I don't want to die.' 

'I know,' he said reassuringly, stroking the hair out of her face. I know. You're not going to die. Sweetheart, you're not going to die. I found a way to save your life. And everything is going to be better in the morning.' She nodded shakily. 'I promise you.' He pulled her into a hug again. 'I promise.' 

That evening... 

The band played slow music, couples dancing in the town square of Mystic Falls. Klaus and Hope were walking together. 

'Look, I know it's not an ideal evening,' he said softly to his daughter, 'but the timing is right. Once you're mid-transformation, the Saltzman girls will be able to siphon the magic out of you.' 

'Are you sure about this?' she asked. The two stopped in their tracks to fully turn to each other. 

'Yeah. I'll dispose of the magic later. Tonight... is about you.' Hope's gaze slid over, seeing Elijah and I on the bench together, both of our heads lowered, appearing to be speaking about something in low tones, me holding both of his hands in both of mine. 

'I'll be right back,' she said, and walked over to the two of us. She slipped in on my right-hand side, handing the ice-cream to us. 'You two looked kind of lonely.' Elijah smiled gratefully, as did I. 

'You know something?' Elijah said. 


'When you were born, I declared that you would be... the saviour of this family. That wasn't fair. We should never have been your burden to bear.' 

'How old were you when you promised to always protect my father?' Hope asked. 'Much older than me?' 

'No,' Elijah replied, his voice strained.

'Elijah, I think that we were both born with responsibilities that we didn't deserve.' He looked at her with a soft smile, then at the ice-cream in my hand. 'What?' 

'It's nothing. It's just... I see so much of your mother in you.' He dug the spoon in, taking a bite, then handing the spoon to me, and I did the same. 

'I saw her.' 

'What do you mean you saw her?' he asked. 

'When I fainted. It was probably just some white-light hallucination, but... she told me to tell you that she's still holding out for that dance.' Elijah's brows furrowed. 'Probably could have been just some... weird part of my subconscious, but - either way, it was nice to have a good dream. I haven't had one in a while.' The three of us sat quietly, until I noticed a familiar face. 

'Oh,' I said, looking up, gesturing. Hope followed my gaze, seeing Landon walking across the grounds. 'Looks like your friend didn't need to take that extra shift after all.' Elijah stood up with the ice-cream and extended his hand. I stood up and took his hand. 

'Behave,' Elijah chided like a firm, but gentle parent, and walked away with my hand in his. 

That evening... 

Klaus walked out of the werewolf shifting chamber, seeing Elijah. He stepped into the hallway. 

'I thought you and Lilliana were gone,' Klaus said. 

'And miss a chance to say good-bye? Before you kill yourself?' 

'Caroline told you.' 

'I won't allow this, Niklaus,' he replied, stalking towards his brother. 'You know that.' 

'Then you know this is the only option.' Elijah rushed him and the two traded blows, before Elijah got the stake off of his brother. 

'You tell those girls to take me instead,' he said. 

'No,' Klaus growled. 

'And you will take my life.' 

'I have burdened you enough,' Klaus replied sharply. 

'Your daughter needs you, Niklaus!' 

'I'm not going to kill you!' The two fought before Klaus gained the upper hand, snapping his brother's neck with ease and taking back the stake. He stepped up to his unconscious brother. 'Take care of her for me, brother. And be there for your wife and child.' He turned and left the building, with the last remaining white oak stake in hand. 

Several hours later... 

'Niklaus,' Elijah said with desperation in his voice, standing outside of the circle of fire as Klaus kneeled within it, the power of the Hollow practically vibrating through his body. He stood and stared at his brother. Slowly, he pulled out the stake, positioning it to his chest. 'Don't,' Elijah growled. 'Put it down.' 

'Walk away, Elijah. You shouldn't be here for this.' 

'Put it down, and we can talk,' Elijah pleaded, stepping closer to the barrier. 

'There's nothing left to say! It's time to end this chapter, get rid of the dark magic once and for all.' Hope came down the steps, seeing the scene unfolding before her, horror growing in her eyes as she realised the lie, she had been sold. 

'Dad?' she asked. Klaus turned to her, still holding the stake. 'What's going on here?' 

'Get her out of here,' Klaus hissed to Elijah. 

'Your death is not the answer.' 

'Death?' Hope asked sharply. 'Wh-what are you talking about?' Her eyes slowly widened, realising what had happened. 'They put it into you. But you told me that they put it into something safe, and instead you use my first transition to trick me. So what happens, you just kill yourself and the magic goes away? And you're going to let him go through with this?' 

'I don't need his permission to save your life!' Klaus exclaimed. 

'Come back with me to New Orleans, Niklaus. We'll find another way.' 

'We both know that's not going to happen,' Klaus snapped. 'I'm sorry, Hope,' he added, a quick tear slipping down his cheek. 'I've made my decision.' He readied himself to thrust the stake into his heart, but then Hope spoke. 

'And I've made mine.' He suddenly collapsed, unconscious. 

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