Better safe than sorry

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Jennie winced as she examined the gashing wound on the patient's arm. It was definitely serious compared to the few cuts and bruises that were covering some parts of the girl's features. The smile that was currently plastered on the girl's face gives Jennie the confirmation that there was definitely alcohol involved.

" Looks like you need some stitches," Jennie informed, finally looking up at the patient. "But the bruises and cuts are nothing to be worried about."

The patient beamed, as if she didn't have a deep and bleeding wound on her arm right now."Is that a good news, doc?"

"Yeah, I guess."Jennie nodded, smiling faintly. She reached for the cotton balls, gently dabbing a disinfectant on the cut. "So,what happend?"

"Ah," At least the patient had the decency to look embarrassed, "Skateboarding. I actually dont know but —its dare."

As if that makes everything better.

Jennie bit her bottom lip to tame her smile, mostly so it wouldn't encourage the drunken idiot even more. The juvenile part of her still wanted to laugh anyway. "Wait here, Ill be back.I just need to prepare my things."

The patient appeared to be actually nervous and would constantly avoid looking at the stitching process as much as possible.

Natural reaction.

Jennie gave her the benefit of the doubt. The stitches were no more than exactly seven, and Jennie was actually satisfied with the result. "It's done, You can look." Jennie told her, confident-doctor-smile permanently in place. "A nurse will be with you in a minute for assistance."

"Thanks, doc. So... when am i coming back?" Jennie glanced at the patient, tilting her head at the slightly confusing statement. "To remove the stitches?" The patient explained further.

"Oh, no." Regina waved a dismissive hand, "It would wear off on its own."

"Ah," The patient's smile dropped, looking disappointed as she hopped off the table. She wobbled but managed to gather her wits in the remaining seconds. "okay, doc.  Thank you again!"

"Of course." Jennie answered, unsure on how to respond in the sunken tone."Though if you would like some piece of advice, maybe you should stay away from skateboards?" She added as an afterthought.

The patient's grin creeped back on its full force, presenting Jennie a thumbs up. The doctor was shaking her head when she finally stepped out of the room, the faint smile on her lips did not go unnoticed.


Jennie wasn't actually surprised when the same patient, perched on the same position with the same pie eating grin on her face, is back after two weeks. Her eyes immediately traveled down to her clipboard, checking the patient's last admittance just to be sure. She found out that her name was 'Roseanne Park.'

"Hello, again." Jennie offers in greeting, "No skateboarding this time, Right?"

Rosie shook her head no, grin permanently intact. "Nope. Following doctor's orders. Its my fault this time. "Jennie raised an eyebrow at that. Rosie held two digits up, showcasing her thumb and index finger that were badly bruised and swollen. "My fingers were stuck while i was closing the car door."

Jennie frowned, emitting a sympathetic noise at the back of her throat. She grasped the younger girl's hand, gently brushing Rosie's swollen digits with her own ones. "I'm pretty sure that your thumb is broken, but i cant do anything aside from splinting and bandaging it." Jennie looked up at her, "You could've saved yourself from the trip to the ER and gone to the urgent care instead."

Rosie shrugged, " it looks emergency awhile ago, doc."

Jennie hummed, delicately placing Rosie's hand back. "Okay, I'll be back in a minute."

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