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It was dark. The sun hadn't awakened from its slumber, yet I couldn't sleep... how could I? Laying wide awake tossing and turning for hours question why... why did they do this.. do I really deserve this?

Selling me off like some... pet they couldn't put up with anymore. All to put money in there pockets... but also the protection of my people... its.. the right thing... right?

With the right amount of anything my parents would sell me for just about that... anything, but the protection of my country is a benefit. I'm worth anything that they can get there greedy hands on.


I'm worth... nothing...


"Y/N, wake up sleepy head" squeaked my sister as she barged into my room, pulling the sheets off of me.

I didn't say anything, my whole future had been ripped from me, they already took my childhood, my teen years.. and now my life, just to give it to someone else...

I was without words...

"Awhhh don't be so stropy Y/n, you knew they were gonna do this one day. Don't act like you're dying and help me out here, what colour?" She asked as she raised 2 dresses in my face hoping me to pick one out.

I just sat there staring into space...

She sighed and relaxed her arms from holding the dresses up, "I say.... burgundy. I heard that toto land is very colourful and bright, so what better way to make an impression than wear the opporsite" she giggled to herself and placed the dress next to me on the bed.

"Now get dressed, you know what will happen if you don't, especially today." She spoke then she left the room leaving me alone with my thoughts.


Its... all over..

"Y/NNN!" Shouted my mother as she burst through the door, she smiled bright and walked over to me confidently, "How's my wonderful child today?" She waffled as she stood peering down at me with her judging eyes.

"Hello mother..." I replied quietly in a monotone voice, all spark lost from my eyes.

"OH now don't be such a drama queen this is mandatory for our kingdoms future. The least you can do is this small favour I'm asking of you. I don't ask you for much" she lectured me with her nose in the air like a stuck up pig.

"Yes mother" I once again replied in almost a whisper.

Mother glared at me with her arms crossed, due to my lack of interaction and attention to her presence she begun to get frustrated with me.

"NOW put on your dress, we are currently in toto land waters you see, we will be arriving shortly so get ready and come to the social room. DONT take long or I'll drag you there myself, there's alot to talk about" she commanded as she made her exit.

I sat there in silence once again, the sun... it shines through the painted glass creating patterns around my room. It was the most beautiful thing... but in that moment, anything would be beautiful because my future was disfigured...


"There you are y/n" mother spoke as she pulled me to the table in the center of the social room. My father, 2 brothers and sister were there, along with my aunt, cousins, sister in law, nephew, and pet dog. The whole family together to sell off there weakest link.

"darling, do come here. Come see the schedule." Spoke my father. Mother ushered me to his side as he read out the events of the day.

"First, we will explore wholecake until time for our meeting. Then we shall have tea with LinLin and go over the agreement. After that is free time so we can all do whatever, apart from you y/n. You need to get your beauty rest and practice etiquette.
Then, the next day, breakfast with LinLin, meet the Charlotte family. Tour of the islands. And the last days haven't been received yet." My father spoke enthusiastically.

My family cheered and talked about the schedule while I sat there staring at it... not a single thought flooding my mind.

"What do you think y/n?" Asked my sister as she grinned, I just nodded...

"You're awfully quiet y/n.. if you're gonna cry, do it somewhere private, don't ruin the morning " my brother tormented.

I looked at him blandly and stood up, "You're awfully confident to not realise it'll be you next," I retaliated, his smile faded. His whole aura sank like a brick to the bottom of the endless sea.

"Dont torment your brother y/n, and anyway, you should be happy. You finally get to leave, isn't that what you wanted?" Asked my elder brother. He placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"I wanted to leave of my own free will... not with a life I don't want." I replied quietly, my brother sighed and patted my head.

"You never know, you might have your own free will. Just... with someone else. " he tried to lighten the situation, and I smiled back shortly and sighed.

"You're too positive... thanks for trying..." I responded as I walked away.

As I exited the room, and shut the door... the silence was loud. I took a deep breath and walked down the hallway to the main hall, looking out the window. I could see an island, a colourful one... a scary one that will take my life from me.

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