the end

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I observed luke, as if he were some alien creature. "Psst, done staring?" Calum nudged me, resulting in pokes directed at his stomach. "ouch, fine whatever" he laughed, wincing in pain.

I haven't really been myself lately, it's like Luke is always there when I'm unhappy, and Michael isn't. but truly, I love Michael, not Luke.

I sighed and stood up, decided on one thing : packing.

walking up to my room, I thought about certain fancy words that I could use in my letter to make it sound more professional, more sophisticated.

'dear boys,' I started off, scribbling the words off. wrong choice.

'hello friends,' sounded better, I decided to continue. 'im leaving here as I've decided that it'd be more happy for you guys and myself.' I breathed. in, controlling my shaking hand. 'my grandad isn't doing too good back home, I need to go back, this will give me some space and time to ponder about my emotions.'

whatever it is, I wish you guys all the best in whatever you do.

yours truly'

I wiped a tear before lugging my suitcase down. I threw everything that I owned inside and my bag with things that are allowed on the plane.

I sneaked out of the house, luckily, Calum was with Luke, talking to him about the lawsuit.

it may sound inconsiderate for me to leave at this point of time, but this is what I gotta do, I've got to go my own way.



I'm sorry I was too mariana & lariana AF I couldn't think of a solution, so THIS IS IT!

thank u for going through with me through my horrible writing. I promise you that my new book would be better, backup bride. I'm going to update it right after this is completed.

thank you all so so so much, especially buterahemmings , your comments make me smile;-)

there's a few of you especially I see in my notifications all day, I want to thank you. you guys know who you are *winks*

if you guys do want an epilogue, let me know!

love you guys, stay safe and take care.

yours truly,

Anna the lil sis.

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