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c h a p t e r ~  it's not about the necklace is it ?

The darkness seeped and crawled over the castle, covering every inch of light. The only noise was the low hum of the old castle and ghosts roaming the halls.


A young girl paced back and forward, waiting for the door to be opened, her hand reached up to scratch her neck as small pellets of tears slid down her face.

"Who on earth is knocking at thi-", the woman stopped short of her annoyance. "Miss black what on earth is the matter?"

"I- uh I lost my necklace", she started in a panicked state. "I, um I guess the clasp must have broken"

Professor Mcgonagall, now accustomed to her unusual 'outbursts' invited her in. Other students don't come to a teacher at 2 in the morning crying over a lost necklace but Cassie want like most other students, she doesn't understand how to handle the simplest of dilemmas and gets herself worked up and can't calm down.

"Stay calm, have you retraced your steps?", the teacher queried.

"I- I looked everywhere" she finished before bursting into tears.

The aging woman knew that it was more than a necklace that she was upset about, "Miss black is something, other than the necklace, bothering you by any chance ?"

The girl sat with her knees tucked up to her chest and muttered something that the professor couldn't understand.

"I can't hear you if you are taking into your knees, do speak louder"

"... I'm scared", the troubled girl whispered.

"What about dear?", she smiled encouragingly at Cassie.

"Going to uh dads over the holidays", the word 'dad' felt unfamiliar in her mouth, she had only been told that morning that she was to be staying there over the course of the summer.

The two stat and discussed the problem until the had somewhat of an agreement that made Cassie feel a bit better about the situation.

"So you will return as usual to your home, following the train journey, to collect any items you may have and I, personally, will take you there. Following weekly visits", Professor Mcgonagall stated the agreement.

Cassie nodded reassured and headed to the door.

"Oh before you go, accio cassie blacks necklace", she said as the missing necklace appeared in her hand.

The young 3rd year smiled gratefully and skipped off to bed.


word count : 398

this is short but it's just to set the scene.

thank you <3

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