"You Don't Stand Alone" (Eddie X Josh) 🌸🥀

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We're starting off with something I wrote quite a while ago. It's pretty short, but a specific person on this website definitely enjoyed it, so I'd thought I would post it. This is actually one of my favorites.

Plot: Josh is scared by the thunderstorm, and Eddie helps him calm down. (NO SMUT)

Word Count; 532 

You Don't Stand Alone

Josh p.o.v.

I looked around the room, peering into the complete darkness. I couldn't see nor hear anything. What had woken me up?

Suddenly, a bright flash of lightning and giant bang of thunder sounded throughout my room. I jumped and flung the covers over my head, covering my ears.

The thunder and lightning kept on coming. It didn't seem to stop. I began to shake, tears filling my eyes. 'Fuck me and my Astraphobia,' I thought, cowering underneath the blankets and starting to cry heavily.

I was sure the sound of the storm outside was the only thing that could be heard throughout my house. But apparently during my sobbing, I had woken up my best friend, who had been sleeping peacefully in the room beside mine.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when something opened my door. Tears still flowing, I peeked out from underneath the now soaked sheets. A figure standing in the doorway was illuminated by the huge bolts of lightning outside. It appeared to be leaning against the wall. I cried out once more and closed my eyes, praying that whatever it was would leave me alone. 

"P-Please, don't hurt me," I whimpered out, feeling extremely overwhelmed by fear. Not daring to look at the shadow once more, I held my breath, now praying that this was all a dream.

"Josh?" What's going on?"

I froze. Wait... "E-Eddie?" I asked shakily, sniffing. "What a-are you-" I was interrupted by more incredibly loud thunder. My voice was snatched away as I once more couldn't feel anything but the extreme, mind-numbing fear being produced because of said noise. 

I was so afraid and disoriented that it took me at least 10+ minutes to realize he has been sitting beside me the entire time, holding me in his arms and whispering to me. Once it had registered, I held onto the Mexican for dear life. He chuckled and hugged me, rubbing my back until I was calm enough to speak.

"What's wrong Josh? Why are you crying?" He asked again, this time softer and gentler. I sniffed and wiped my eyes, taking deep breath. "I-I... Storm," I tried to tell him, my throat feeling strangely sticky. "The thunder outside?" I nodded. "Ah, that makes sense. I've seen how tense you get whenever rain starts pouring." Eddie squeezed me, laying down with me in his arms. 

"You okay now?" My friend asked after the storm had calmed down a significant amount. I nodded again, yawning shakily and feeling my eyes droop.

"H-Hey Eddie?" I asked after a while, half expecting said person to be asleep, Instead, I received a sleepy "yea Josh?" "Could... Could this just be between you and me? Like... If the other boys don't know?" I stutter, feeling him squeeze me once more in response.

"Of course Josh. Just between you and me." I smiled in the darkness, my heart warming at his kindness. But before I could thank him, Eddie's quiet snores filled the room. I soon followed, content and peaceful in my friend's arms.

So... How did yall like it? Was it decent? I thought it was.

More updates coming very soon! Don't leave this book because it ends here, like I usually do.

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