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Hades found himself looking at yet another person who had dared to enter his club. This human looked different though and he couldn't place why. He couldn't see the persons eyes he reminded himself for about the 18th time that day that he needed to make a no hat or face coverings policy.

"I'd appreciate if you'd remove the face cover." Hades said his voice coming out tired.

"Oh, yes of course." A womans voice said, her voice reminded Hades of a rainy day when the rain was padding on the roof not in a harsh way but not in a soft way either. She removed the cover and Hades saw something increasingly different, this was no human. 

One rose pink eye stared at him while the other was a violet eye. The woman had jewelry on her ears as well as having a small crown rest on her head. Hades felt like he knew this woman, but he didn't know from where. 

"Who are you?" He asked his charcoal eyes staring into the mismatched ones across from him. 

"Oh!" She exclaimed, "How foolish I was to think you'd remember me." She said looking into his eyes. "Elora is the name. If I'm even allowed to speak it anymore." Hades felt something inside him stir, he felt unsettled. Having one of the most powerful goddesses that hasn't been seen in years sitting across from him was... Unsettling. 

"And what brings an extinct goddess, to my club?" He asked, maybe that's why he was unsettled because he didn't know what she wanted. 

"I need a favor." She started; Hades' eyebrows rose- interested. "My daughter is about to have a child, and it's been foreseen that she will die on her own sons' birth." The goddess paused, and Hades already knew what she was going to ask. 

"To ask for a life comes with a price, you should know that." Hades said, looking at the goddess. 

"Whats the price?" She asked, her eyes looking into his. He saw a heartbroken soul inside the goddess before it was locked away from him. Hades sat for moment unsure if he could make a price. But then it came to him like wildfire. 

"Two demons, two months." He said, and the woman across from him tilted her head.

"Two months for what?" She asked, Hades knew that he was not Hera nor Aphrodite, but he was meant to make sure souls found their way through life.  

"To fall in love." He said, and the woman across from him looked almost terrified at the idea so Hades continued. "You must make then fall in love with you and you must fall in love with them. They may not know of this deal until 6 weeks have passed. If they do not fall in love with you and vice versa by the end of the 8 weeks, then your daughter dies." Hades said, he could no longer see the terrified girl but instead he saw nothing in the goddesses' eyes. 

"Okay. I accept your terms. When will it start?" She asked, he charcoal eyes stared back at her. 

"When you meet them in approximately 3 minutes." He said, and she nodded. Hades took this time to fill her in on every single detail. "You may not harm them, bewitch them, kill them, or sell them. They must return to this night club in one piece no scratches or anything out of the ordinary. They are not allowed to roam free, take other souls, or take your own soul. They may roam free, and you are not their owner, but they do must stay near your home." He said and the goddess nodded. Hades then pulled out a contract, giving her a pen. She nodded and took the pen signing her name at the bottom.

When she finished signing her name the door opened and the contract disappeared like dust. 

"Ah and they have arrived." Hades said standing up he offered a hand to the goddess, but she pushed it away, standing up on her own. She walked next to Hades over to the two Demons. 

"This is Zinnun. He stays mostly quiet and loves to sleep." Hades said, pointing to the taller one out of the two which was slouched possibly from tiredness.  

"And I am Valveth." The other said a small smile on his face. The goddess could already tell that he was a troublemaker. 

"I'm Elora." The goddess said giving both of them and small smile.

"You two will be staying with her for two months if I hear your causing ruckus then you might not be so lucky." Hades said, looking at the two demons. They both nodded not asking why. "Well then I think this concludes everyone's visit in my office." Hades said, and the two demons nodded heading out, but the goddess lagged behind for a second. 

"Hades, if anyone finds out about my visit here, I'm not going to be the only one paying for it." The goddess said, and that made a small amount of fear hit Hades's heart. 

"Remember." Hades started. "You have two months, and if they don't love you by the end. Then she dies."


First chapter done; I actually might update this one because its ongoing in my head. Hope it was good. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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