Chapter one

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FYI: Bsf: best friend's name

The venue was filling out with fans. I couldn't believe how many people were here. Who would've thought a local band from Hawkins would cell out many venues and tour all over the world.

Corroded Coffin walked up to the stage.
First Gareth came out and waved at the crowd with his drum stick. He took a seat behind his drum set. Then Jeff came with his guitar and we played a few cords. Then Don came up with his bass and he gave a sweet smile to the crowd. And finally Eddie came out. He had his guitar in his hand and walked to the front of the stage. He was looking into the crowd with a huge smile. He stood in front of his mic stand and before he spoke he and I had a brief moment of eye contact. His eyebrows furrowed.

Damn, was I that ugly?

Doesn't he remember me?

Oh, who am I kidding? Just because I gave them drinks doesn't mean he should've remembered me.

Snap out of it girl. Just enjoy the show.

Eddie adjusts his bandana and grabs his microphone and yelled:

''ARE YOU READY HAWKINS? LET'S DO THIS!'' Eddie yelled while strumming his red and black guitar.

—2 hours later—

My best friend and I walked outside after the concert had ended. The cool yet welcomed cold breeze hits my face and it felt so good. The Hideout was pretty crowded, and the temperature was quite hot. So to finally be outside and have more space around me felt amazing.

Bsf was jumping up and down with a huge smile on her face. Her big eyes looked right and me as she was about to tell me something.

''Wow weren't they amazing or what?" she said while opening her water bottle and took a huge gulp out of it.

''Yes, girl they were incredible! I'm so proud of them'' I took her water bottle since mine pretty much evaporated with the hotness in the venue.

She sighted and fell back on the wall behind her. She had put her leg back to balance against the wall. ''I saw Eddie looking at you. Rather confused might I add?'' her eyes looked at me for answers.

''Yeah, he was thinking of why I looked so familiar. I would've loved to say hello to him.'' I chuckled. ''Ah well. Maybe one day''

I looked over to bsf and saw her standing up straight. Not balancing against the wall anymore. She started to jump up and down like a little kid who needs to go to the bathroom. I love her. She is quite animated.

''I must go to the bathroom.'' She said with a frowned face. I found her adorable.

''That's fine. I'll wait outside for you'' I said as I saw her speed walk into the venue.

I stood in front of the Hideout and I saw the people leaving the concert with messy hair, probably from headbanging so much. They had big smiles on their sweaty faces. Its amazing Corroded Coffin came back to their hometown. It's incredible how a local band like them became an international success. To think I have seen them play every Tuesday at the very place where they just had their final concert of their American tour, just feels like a proud feeling no one other than me can experience. They have gotten so much better. I hope bsf gets here soon because I was ready to hit the sack after a great night.

I've noticed a van slowly driving up and stopping right in front of me. I didn't think much of it and just kept looking at the door hoping to see bsf.

Suddenly my vision went black and I felt strong hands on me.

''HEY! LET GO OF ME! NO...NO PLEASE. LET ME GO. HELP.....SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!'' I tried to yell as loud as possible in the hope someone would hear me. I tried to fight of whomever had me but damn were they strong.

Suddenly I was being lifted and threw in what I thought was the back of the van. I landed on my head. That sudden blow to the head caused me to pass out immediately.

That was chapter one.
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All the love

Sweetheart🖤 (Eddie's version)

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