chapter twelve

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Bfn's POV

"Hey slow down. Hotwire isn't closing anytime soon." Gareth's frantic voice spoke, as he tried to keep up with me.

I didn't care though. I wanted to return this car ASAP, so I can continue the search of finding my best friend and Eddie. As I walked towards the door, a hand stopped me. I look up and see that the hand belongs to Hopper.

"Let me deal with this," Hopper spoke. I nodded at him and let him take the lead on this. The guys of Corroded Coffin and me walked close behind him.

"Hello, is anyone here?" Hopper spoke loudly. He walked towards the counter and repeated his question.

"Just ring this bell on the counter Hop," Gareth pointed to the bell on the counter. Gareth walked up to the counter and starts hitting the bell. "Hello? Tom? Anyone here?" he yelled as he keeps hitting the bell.


And over.

And over again.

I heard a smack followed by a grunt. "Cut it out Gareth! I'm sure he heard us." Jeff said with an annoyed tone.

Thank you, Jeff.

Gareth rubbed the back of his head, while giving Jeff a deadly stare. Don and me looked at each other and started giggling.

I turned my head to the counter and saw Tom walking towards his spot at the counter. He looked, nervous? He was rubbing his hands on his pants and he made his way towards us. The look in his eyes even seem off.

"Welcome back everyone! How can I help you?" he spoke with the best fake happy voice.

What's going on with Tom?

Why are his palms sweaty?

And why does he seems off, by the look of his eyes...

"We want to return the Polo we borrowed." Hopper placed the keys on the counter. Tom grabbed it back and started typing in his computer.

"Okay, thank you returning it. I'll make –"

"Hey! Let go of me," I heard a female voice say behind Tom. Like way in the back.

Why does her voice sounds so familiar?

Tom quickly looked back and looks back at us with wide eyes. He correct his eyes right away and cleared his throat.

"Who was that?" I asked Tom

"Oh, that's just my sister and her boyfriend in the back. I bet he's just teasing her." He quickly responded. "Is there anything else I can do for you all?"

I didn't believe one word he just spoke. Someone else is back there. Why do I have a feelings it's yn? Or am I just hearing her voice because I miss her? It wouldn't be a surprise because I did miss her.

"Listen kid, if there is anything going on, and you can't tell me, blink twice okay?" Hopper told Tom. He looked at Hopper and didn't blink at all. "Okay thank you. I wish you all a good day!" Tom tried to end the conversation.

Hopper's POV

I have this feeling that this Tom kid isn't truthful at all. Is he protecting someone? Or, hiding something? I tried to ask him in a way that he can tell me without words. But he didn't buy it. I may have another way for him to buy into my way of trying to offer help. I put my keys on the counter. Hopefully he'll use that as his opportunity to call me back and provide me those two blinks I needed in order to confirm my thoughts on something happening here.

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