A Millionaire's First Love: Chapter One

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Chapter One

:.Megan's Point of View.:

“That’s it! I’ve had enough of this crap and I’m leaving for good!” I yelled at my parents.  My father and mother’s eyes stared at me in pure shock at my words. As the gravity of what I had just blurted out sunk into their minds, their expressions transfigured from those of surprise into those of vehemence. 

“We are only telling you that we want to see you improve in school and you are yelling at us?  We did not work so hard just so that you could waste your time away in school and get grades like this!” my mother yelled, slapping my latest report card down on the kitchen table. “ We are your parents and you better treat us with respect!” she yelled, her eyes brimming with tears and her face becoming flushed like it always did whenever she was utterly upset.

“I’d like to see you leave, but you wouldn’t even dare! You have no money and no education! How do you think you’re going to survive without us spoon-feeding you the whole time?” my father boomed, his mouth contorted into an arrogant smirk. 

“You know what? I’ll show you guys what I can do and don’t expect me to ever come back!” I yelled at the top of my lungs.  With that, I ran up the staircase and swerved into my room.  I grabbed the closest pairs of pants, shirts, and underwear that I could find and dumped them into a giant spare black garbage bag while slipping into my knee-high Hello Kitty rain boots.  As I was halfway back down the stairs, I realized that I had almost forgotten my stuffed Pikachu and dashed back to find her underneath the disheveled blankets on my bed. I couldn’t leave without my girl! After I finally found her, I threw her into my large handbag and skipped down the staircase and stepped outside, being sure that I slammed the door behind me to signal to my parents my official retreat from home.  I quickly glanced back and saw two pairs of eyes trying to secretly stare out the window and felt strongly empowered by the prospect of my parents begging me to come back home.  Before that happened, however, I wanted to show them that I could be independent and that I didn’t need their nagging to earn a living in this world. We’ll see who the boss of MY LIFE was. Besides, who could stop me when I had Pikachu by my side!

:.Matthew's Point of View.:

“I want you guys to put the ring in the glass of wine, and when she opens it, she’ll be surprised. Can you do that for me?” I asked the posse of female chefs around me.  They were all gawking at me and obsessing over the fact that a millionaire like me was asking them for a favor.

“Of course, sir,” one of the women took the initiative to reply, “but only if you autograph my napkin,” she added with a higher-than-necessary pitched giggle.

“Okay…,” I rolled my eyes, “but we have a deal, right?”

“You betcha,” another woman replied with an excited gleam in her eyes.

“And no one will find out about this until the news is meant to be official?”

“Our lips are sealed,” the first woman to respond answered, pretending to seal her lips and throw away an imaginary key.

“Okay, good.  So she’ll be here soon so just get the rest of the dinner preparations ready like usual while I wait at the table.” I left to sit at a table that ushered in a great view of the night sky and its dainty stars, as bright as the diamond on the ring that I had bought for this amazing girl, Jody Brooks.  She was the angel that I had liked since we were just little kids whose families were close friends; therefore, we naturally found ourselves spending a lot of time together.

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