A Millionaire's First Love: Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

:.Matthew's Point of View.:

I woke up with a killer headache. My hand automatically grabbed the side of my head, trying to squeeze it so that it would stop throbbing so heavily. My eyes blurred at the first sight of rays of light, then finally adjusted to the obscure shapes in the room. The room was completely white, its frame only disturbed by a couple of posters with writing that I could not make out. As I turned to the side, I saw a familiar man seated on the seat by the elevated bed I was on. He was peacefully reading a book before he heard me stir and smiled at me.

“Well, hello, old chum. Had your beauty rest?” he teased.

“Chris, you asshole,” I grumbled. Christopher Thompson was my company’s publicity coordinator, my conscience when I didn’t know how to think, and, above all, my best mate.

“The best asshole around,” he chuckled as he folded down a corner of the page of his book to keep his place and put it down on a table. “Feeling better?”

“I don’t know, but I have this massive headache…feels like a million knives are stabbing my brain.”

“I’ll call a nurse over to assess the situation.”


“Yeah chummy, a nurse.”

“So I’m in a hospital?”

“Well, you’re certainly not at Disney World.”

“Chris, this isn’t funny…what happened last night?” I asked, totally oblivious to the whereabouts of why I was here in the first place.

“I don’t know, YOU tell ME, mate. Why were you so drunk that you drove in a car by yourself onto the freeway and crashed into a girl?”

“Tell me this is a joke…,” I prayed. This couldn’t really be happening.

“That would be one sick joke, indeed,” Chris replied in a serious tone. “Matt, you have to be more responsible with your decisions! This stupid mistake of yours is going to cost your family’s company big time if word gets out! I’ve done everything within my premise to not have it leaked out to the media, but it looks like we have other scandals on the radar.”

“W-what are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about THIS,” Chris said as he flung a newspaper over to my face. I picked it off my face and glanced at it. I didn’t have to sift through any pages to see what he was talking about; the front cover’s headline said it all:


Underneath the headline was a full-blown picture of me sending the utensils, plates and glasses from the dinner crashing down onto the floor with my face contorted in anguish and my angular jaws flung out in complete rage. I am such an idiot!

“Shit…,” was all I could say.

“’Shit’ would be the right word to use here. If you read the article further, there’s some juicy information on a ring and a mysterious woman at the location as well…you didn’t bother to fill me in on the loop, did you?” Chris asked with an aggressive tone.

Damn those cooking ladies! They lied to me and leaked out all the information!

“It all happened on impulse, really…I didn’t expect things to get that crazy last night and I really regret it,” I said earnestly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2011 ⏰

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