17 - true heritage

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chapter song - family line (conan gray)

We fly Wanda to Scotland and drop her off with Vision, then head to Wakanda, flying through the forcefield, like Steve taught me.
Pietro walks up towards the cockpit after waking up from a nap.
"It's beautiful here." He says as he wraps his arms around my shoulders.
"It's really nice, and super protected."
"It may be a nice place to live for a while before we have to start working again."
"I may be able to work that out with Shuri."
"Who's Shuri?"
"T'Challa's younger sister. She's working on getting all of HYDRA's treatment out of Bucky, and she's been watching over Maria with the help of Nakia, when she comes in from Haiti."
"Cool. When did you figure all this out?" he asks.
"Before I left with Nat and found my sister." I reply. "I went with Steve to drop off Bucky."
"How's your sister?" He asks. It's been a few weeks since we last saw Yelena and she's been freeing widows. She's been keeping in touch.
"She's good. She's super badass."
"Cool. Did you find anything else, anything about you're parents?"
I shake my head, "No, nothing so far."
We land infront of the palace where I'm greeted with a spear.
"Hi, Okoye." I say.
"Who is the silver haired man?" She asks.
"Okoye, put the spear down." I hear T'Challa say from behind her. She puts the spear down and walks away with the rest of the Dora Milaje.
"How are they, T'Challa?" I ask.
"Their both perfectly fine. Maria has been having a great time with Shuri and her grandfather."
"Wait, huh?" I ask, Pietro looks confused as well.
"Oh, you didn't know?" T'Challa said.
"You did? How?"
"Captain Rogers told me when he came here, he said Bucky may mention you after going out of cryo."
"Explain please."
"Shuri will explain this better than I can."
We walk into the palace where I'm greeted by Queen Ramonda, holding Maria.
"Mommy! Daddy!" she says when she sees us.
I take her out of Ramonda's hands and hold her for a few minutes before handing her to Pietro.
"I can't thank you and your children enough for taking care of her."
"You don't have to thank us. It's our pleasure."
"I hate to ask you this but can you keep her just for today? T'Challa has some news he'd like to talk to me about."
"Of course, dear. I'll take care of her."
"Mother, can you please take Pietro and Maria down the the White Wolf's quarters?"
"Yes, my King."
"Thank you."
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Pietro asks me.
"I'll be fine, go comfort Bucky."
"Okay." he gives me a quick peck and runs off after Queen Ramonda.
"Right this way." T'Challa leads me into Shuri's Lab, as soon as I walk in I hear an AI say, "Y/N Belova, daughter of James Buchanan Barnes, 1989"
"I can explain from here. You may go, brother." Shuri says as she shoo's out T'Challa and he walks out.
"So, I take it you don't understand what's going on?" she asks me.
"No, not at all.
"Well, I'll tell you then. There was a small bit of time where Mr. Barnes wasn't associated with HYDRA, he was given a break. So he took a trip to Ukraine in 1987 and fell in love with a women who lived there, first name unknown, last name Belova. You're mother. In 1988, your mother discovered she was pregnant with twins, at that time she knew the man your father was because he had left soon after she had told him she was pregnant. You're mother passed shortly after you were born. You and your sister were put into families that were apart of the Black Widow program, downside is your adoptive father didn't know that you're adoptive mother was apart of the widow program, even in his death he still didn't know." she explains. I try to follow but i get lost.
"So, what you're saying is the Winter Soldier is me and my sister's real father and that my name is technically Y/N Barnes and not Y/N Belova."
"Yeah. Pretty much, do you need a minute alone? Or would you like me to call Pietro in?"
"Can you call Pietro in? After that I'll go down to see Dad. Then I'm going back home and punching the shit out of Steve Rogers."

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