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"Mom I'm gonna be late for my first day of school", I say as my mom finishes bagging up the lunch she made me.
"You act like that's a bad thing" my brother Peter scoffs as he grabs the bag from our mom and tosses it towards me. "Come on Faye let's go".

I walk through the doors of the school and as soon as I start walking inside some guy runs into me causing me to drop my stuff.  "Hey watch it" Peter yells.  The guy stops and turns around and comes closer to us and bends down to help me pick up my stuff.  "I'm sorry I didn't see you there". He says as he steps up to stand in front of my brother.
  "I'm Roman" he holds his hand out for peter to shake but peter ignores his hand and just says, "I'm peter" and then he looks over to me and says, "and this is my sister Faye".  Roman turns around and looks at me and smirks and then looks back to my brother, "I haven't seen you guys around before".  "We just moved here", I say as I step next to peter to where I'm now facing Roman's face and not his back and I realize how attractive he is.

"Right.  Well welcome to hemlock grove", he says as he throws his hands out and then shoves them into his pockets.  "Thanks?" peter says awkwardly.  I can tell there isn't much left to say so I make it up to myself to end this conversation.  "Peter we should go find our lockers and get to class".  Both peter and Roman look over at me and then Roman grins and just walks away.  I glance over at peter, "that was weird".

After my last class is finally over I go to my locker and gather my stuff to go home but I can't help notice whose standing at a locker right next to mine.  Roman.  He closes the locker door and then looks over at me, "hey neighbor" he smirks.  "Hi" I grin awkwardly.  "Looks like we're gonna see each other a lot this year".  "What?".  "our lockers are right next to each other and we have like two classes together", "oh.  Yeah I guess".  I shut my locker door and throw my bag over my shoulder.  "See ya around", Roman winks as he starts walking past me.  I turn to watch him walk down the hall. 

"Hey, sis."  Peter says as he sits down next to me on the bus.  I smile at him and remain quiet the whole way home.

"We're home mom" I yell as I walk through the front door and throw my bag onto the couch.  "How was school" our mom says as she walks through the hall drying her hands with a towel.  "Boring" I say as I open the fridge and grab out a bottle of water. 

"There's this kid at our school.  He's an upir." Peter says as he slumps down onto the couch.  "A upir?" My mom asks. "Yeah, but I don't think he knows it himself."
"He has a sister...she isn't upir."  I add in as I join my brother on the couch.  "I don't know what she is. She is" I add.  "so big, she fills up a doorway." Peter finishes with a giggle.

"They're the Godfreys." My mother snarks, "That family seems fucked up." I say as I take a sip of my water.

"The Godfreys are my business.  Stay away from them."  "I am." Peter says With his hands up in a defensive way.  "Ok".  I just keep drinking my water because I don't know how I am supposed to stay away from him when his locker is right next to mine.  And we keep running into each other.  Litterly.

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