Chapter 4: An Unexpected Welcome

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In the city of Shinjuku, while peace had been restored thanks to Takato, Guilmon and their friends, after three years that peace was replaced by chaos, to which computers were being hacked, people's cell phones not only sent the owner a strange message, but would let out a high pitched screech, while most of the technology in the area was going haywire.

With such a disturbance, Takato and Guilmon met up with Henry, Terriermon, Rika and Renamon to discuss the problem.

Takato and Guilmon were walking through Shinjuku, on their way to meet up with their friends and fellow Tamers, Henry Wong, Terriermon, Rika Nonaka and Renamon.

However, as the pair continued, Takato was deep in his thoughts, thinking about the Digimon Queen and his feelings toward her.

'I do care about Rika, but should I say anything to her? I know it took sometime and I feel like we have a close bond, but what if Rika only sees me as her friend or what if I tell her I like her and it just makes things awkward between us?' Takato thought, conflicted with his feelings, only to be broken from his thoughts when he heard Guilmon call to him.

"Takato, what is happening?" Guilmon asked the brunette, causing both to look around to see parked car alarms were going off, televisions in screens were showing static, flicking every so often and showing an unknown figure, while nearly everywhere they looked, there was disorder.

"I don't know Guilmon, but I have a bad feeling we need to get to the park, and fast." Takato said in reply, causing Guilmon to nod, before both headed off as fast as they could to Shinjuku park, knowing it was most likely where their friends would be and where they could figure out what was causing such trouble and how to resolve it.

-Within Shinjuku park-

Just outside the entrance to Guilmon old shed, Henry, Terriermon, Rika and Renamon were waiting for Takato and Guilmon to show up, but didn't have to wait long as the four saw their leader and his Digimon partner running up to them.

Unsure of what was happening, but sure Henry had the answers, Takato asked. "Henry, any ideas as to why Shinjuku is in such a state of chaos?"

"I believe that a Digimon is responsible for this." Henry theorized.

"But what kind of Digimon could cause all this chaos?" Takato then asked.

"Well I'm not just standing around doing nothing." Rika suddenly said as she began to walk away.

"C'mon Renamon, let's find this Digital prankster and show 'em they messed with the wrong world." The Digimon Queen then commanded, causing Renamon to nod and follow her Tamer.

"Understood." The vixen Digimon replied loyally, following Rika, before the pair took off, leaving the boys behind.

And as much as Takato wanted to stop her, knowing Rika too well, she would only ignore any and all attempts to keep the group together.

"Momentai." Terriermon said, seeing the concerned look on Takato's face. "Rika can take care of herself."

"Not to mention Renamon is with her if they do run into any trouble." Guilmon added.

But while Takato smiled and nodded, Henry could tell his friend was still concerned for the redhead.

"Takato, you and Guilmon should follow them." He said, knowing their feelings towards Rika and Renamon, while causing Takato and Guilmon to look at him.

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