Starburst Swirl

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I walked down the hall talking to flash when my daughter Starburst swirl(pic above) came running to me asking where Solaris (or soli as she called him, he calls her star)I told her that he was at canterlot with princess celestia. She loves him like I love shining armour. She wanted to visit Luna so we went to canterlot.

To my surprise shining armour and cadence were there and star ran up to radiance (was a alicorn, similar cutie mark to her mothers) she was 3 years older, Solaris was 2 yrs older than her. I walked up to cadence and shining and smiled and started chatting, mum we are going to see princess Luna raise the moon, star said(it was sunset). Alright I said but be careful.

Star's POV:
I was walking with radiance shimmer (or radia as I call her) we got to the princess Lucas room we saw she was on the balcony about to raise the moon when suddenly a magic bolt came out of nowhere and knocked her to the ground unconscious. We flew straight over to her and lifted her onto bed(with magic). As soon as we saw we immediately ran to find our mothers.

I was chatting with cadence and shining with flash when celestia and Solaris came in(actual age in first pic). They started chatting to when suddenly radiance and star burst in. They went straight to us as a reaction to go to their mothers first. The started babbling and all I heard was, Luna........and come. Slow down I said to them, now tell us exactly what happened. Star started" we walked into lines room and she was on the balcony like always, but out of know where a bolt of magic struck her unconscious." " we put her on her bed and ran straight here" radiance finished.

Let's go then I said as we all ran to Luna's room. As we got there we all went to her bed but star went to the balcony but I didn't take to much notice.

Star's POV:
I walked to the balcony and decided to try something. I heard princess celestia say something about her needing to be in the moonlight to help her. I lit my horn and concentrated on what I was doing as I started to lift off the floor. I slowly raised the moon when Luna suddenly awoke as I fell back to the ground. Luna rushed out to see that someone rose the moon and everyone was surprised when I said I did it. Suddenly I looked at my flank and saw a crescent moon with stars surrounding it, I jumped for joy all over the palace and best of all got Luna as my mentor. Can you say best day ever!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2015 ⏰

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