S1 || Chapter 6, Home.

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Chara, Klaus and the mysterious entity all say in silence. They combed their feathery fingers through Klaus's ghostly hair. "Eden, do you feel better?" the mysterious entity said gently as they sat next to Klaus. "EDEN? I thought you said your name was Enzo? Why do you have so many names.?!" Chara blurted out. Klaus was lying on the floor quietly not saying a single word. "It was Chara, when he had left the Bai Lou Realm he needed a new name. Something still close to his real name." They replied. "Oh okay! And who are you..?" Chara looked at them sitting next to Klaus. "Oh! I almost forgot to introduce myself.!" They apologized. "I am Frisk, God of Determination. I was sent to find you to help you! To enhance yo-"
"Okay we get it you show off." Eden rolled his eyes. "God, you never let me have fun." Frisk sighed. "You're supposed to help me? Have you been watching me.?" Chara felt a little embarrassed while saying that. "Oh! Yes I have! Ever since you were little..! How old are you again?" Frisk rubbed their head trying to remember. "I'm fourteen. I'm gonna be.. shouldn't I be sixteen even if I wasn't in the au.?" Chara was extremely confused on how the Au's time works.. "No, you should still be fourteen because the time hasn't passed for you." Frisk answered quickly. Frisk stood up and looked down at Chara then at Eden. "Eden, do you wanna stay here while I bring Chara back to our Au?" Frisk gently spoke as they titled their head. "We're leaving already..?!?" Chara stammered as they quickly got up. "Sure.. I'll be right here! Please don't worry about me." Eden gently smiled. Chara looked over at Frisk whose face was written with worry all over. "Okay.. I'll be back for you soon. We haven't hung out in centuries since that day." Frisk sighed and opened a portal before being cut off by Chara who was shouting in confusion yelling, "CENTURIES..? GEEZ GRANDMA.. you people are old-" Frisk slowly turned their head towards Chara with a blank screen expression. "Do you wanna go home or not..?" Frisk's eye twitched as speaking. Chara laughed it off and jumped in the portal quickly and so did Frisk.

Chara and Frisk both fell back into ZY Tale! Literally falling. "FRISK HEL- HELP ME-" Chara shouted as falling hundreds of feet in the air. "Oh.. what was that.?" Frisk ignored Chara's shouting and they peacefully looked at their nails as they fell as well. "FRISK- FRISK!!-" Chara screamed. Frisk let out a big sigh and looked at Chara as tears flew out of their eyes. "THE GROUND!1!1!1" Chara yelled. Frisk then looked down as they both got closer and closer to the ground. Chara was screaming for their life and closed their eyes as they approached the ground.
Chara slowly opened their eyes and groaned.Chara looked over at Frisk who was floating and COMPLETELY uninjured. Chara looked at Frisk's face.. are they.. SMIRKING AT ME RIGHT NOW..? Frisk had a smug look on their face because of they're situation. One on their feet.. like a cat landing on all four of their cute paws.! And Chara.. the one who landed right on their face. It was excruciating. unbearable. EXTREMELY PAINFUL. "Geez.. thanks grandma.. I FEEL LIKE I'M GONNA DIE CAN YOU HELP?" Chara groaned as they sat up. Frisk's hands started to glow and knelt down to put both of their hands on Chara's cheeks. Chara's injuries had started to heal slowly.. "I hate you." Chara scoffed. "Love you too sweetie!" They teased Chara. Chara rolled their eyes and turned the other way facing away from Frisk. Then there was silence.. Chara felt a light tap on their shoulder. Then a repeated light tap.. again. and again.. and again. "WHAT.?" Chara grumbled. "You're home!" Frisk cheered and had their arms out in excitement. Chara turned around peeking through the trees to see their little town that they've missed so dearly. Chara was in complete and utter shock. A loss for words even. They stood up and looked at Frisk.. Frisk nodded their head seemingly knowing what they wanted to do already. As if it was written all over their face. Chara suddenly ran out of the woods. Running as fast as they could and getting slapped by branches getting cut from them. They couldn't care less. They were just happy to be back home. Chara slowed down and looked at the metal gate that was stopping them. The wind hit Chara's face gently and wiped away their tears. Frisk only looked at Chara with empathy. "Does this place make you upset?" Chara looked over at Frisk who was tilting their head in confusion. "Ah.!!" Chara quickly wiped away the remaining tears from their face with their sleeves. "No.! I'm actually quite happy to see it.! It doesn't look like much has changed!" Chara looked up from the gate and started to climb up it. Frisk now has an even MORE confused expression on their face. Chara reached the top of the gate and jumped down. They looked back at Frisk who was on the other side of the gate. Chara tried to hint Frisk to climb up the gate, Frisk put their hands on the gate and suddenly... they ripped the gate open and walked through. Chara had a stunned expression and Frisk was just grinning proudly. Chara sighed it off and they grabbed Frisk's hand and started running to the town.

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