Chapter 1: Stay away

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Keigo just gets back from work and notices a dark  figure in the corner " Uh hello" the dark figure starts to walk towards him and grabs his wrist

" hey birdie"  Keigo is startled by his lover and tries to get his wrist out of his grasp

"Now now Keigo don't try to get away" "I saw you with that guy wanna tell me who he is?"
"He's no one Touya"    "No one huh?"

"Stop lying to me Keigo I don't wanna see you with that guy again do you understand?"
Keigo stays quiet "I said do you understand"
Dabi said sternly  "Yes I u-understand" 

" Stay away from him Keigo"  Dabi shoves keigo out of his way and goes out the door.
Keigo starts to sob " Why is he like this?!" "I miss the old Touya"  he said in between his sobs

Dabi's POV:
I walk through the alleyway going to find that bastard that that was with my property " Hey you!" I hear a voice behind me I turn around and see the guy who was talking to my bird "You can't be hear"

Oh this made my blood boil first he tries to take what's mine then he tells me I can't be here.
"You piece of shit " I walk towards him and grab him by the throat "what do you think your doing trying to steal my bird huh?" I watch him try to speak which only made my grip tighter
I heat up my hand that's around his throat and start to burn him.

"This is what happens when you try to take what's mine" I smirk as I watch the life leave his body and turn into ashes.


Keigo's POV:  i watch the rain pour down outside through the window I see dabi outside talking to one of the league members and he notices me staring
I quickly back away from the window and watch dabi come through the door staring at me
" You know you should really mind your business baby boy" I back away from him in fear.  
" I u-uh" "There's is no need to be afraid birdie I won't hurt you at least not yet"  " Yet!" I back away only got him to grab both of my wrist and pin me to the wall " just don't go talking to other guys ok."  " O-ok "

Sorry it's short this is my first story

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