Chapter 5:Don't Run

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Keigo's POV:
It has been 1 week and I still haven't been let out of the closet I mean Dabi has been giving me food now and then, but I'm still not sure if I can trust him after he drugged me. So I have been refusing to eat, and that did not go well.
1 hour ago
"Keigooo" I hear coming from outside of the closet. I stay in my sitting position because I am in to much pain to move after I disobeyed Dabi and he burnt both of my legs. They weren't extremely severe but bad enough to cause me a lot of pain.

"Hey angel, I just brought you some chicken soup so you won't starve today." He comes close to me and gives me the plate "Eat up my love" I didn't feel like eating so I just sat there not saying a word. "Kei, eat the food" "N-not hungry" That was a lie I was hungry, but I'm not gonna tell him that who knows what he put in this soup "Don't make me repeat my self Keigo" he grabbed my chin forcefully and grabbed a spoonful of soup and brought it to my mouth "EATI flinched as he yelled at me, but I refused to open my mouth.

"Fine you don't wanna eat my food, then suffer"
He left and closed the door, I waited for a few minutes but then he came back with a bat. "D-dabi! Stop you don't know what your doing!" He raise's the bat getting ready to hit me "Oh I know what I'm doing Princess, I'm going to break the living hell outta you" I feel the bat come in contact with my arms "AHHHH"

"Heh oh keigo nobody's gonna hear you" I look up at him, and he just looks insane "S-stop please!" I'm just sitting here on the floor crying in pain I just want it all to stop. "Shh my love it's over now, I didn't wanna have to do this, but you left me no choice. I love you Keigo don't ever run away from me because you are mine and mine only." Just don't go disobeying me like that again ok. I just stare at him while I cry "Now let's get you all cleaned up yeah?, just drink the soup, and it won't hurt as much." He lifts the spoon up to my mouth once again and I eat some of it. My vision starts to go away and everything starts spinning like last time, and then it all goes black

Present time
I can't take much more of this I just want my old boyfriend back. I see the door open and it was dabi holding my friend Mirko! She looked terrified and was crying. Dabi had ropes tied around her wrist and ankles he was holding her  by her hair "I'm gonna kill your little friend here and I'm gonna make you watch" I realized that I was paralyzed and couldn't move. He started to heat up his hand and burn her. "AHHHHH" Mirko screams in pain as dabi just turns her into ashes .
"Now that she's gone I have no one in my way anymore. It's just you and me now baby" I watch him leave in fear and look back at the ashes that was once my friend.

Dabi has ruined my life.  I feel like one day he might actually kill me, if not that then he'll probably just break me mentally.

There is nothing I can do about it.

To be continued...

Yeah so remember when I said that there was "a little bit of toxicity" yeah about thattt hehehe It wasn't true.

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