The exchange

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[ranboo POV

"So more about you?" I say with a smile as I crouch on the ground putting my phone away.

"Uh- I like dogs" he says awkwardly As he grabs his phone. "What's your phone number?" He asks me as he opens the messages application.

"Oh ———— add me babe" I joke Tom looks down with a red face

"Shut up bitch boy!" He says as he types the numbers in "wait was it 6960 or 6968?" He asks

"It's 6969 stupid" I say as I get up and look over his shoulder

"Okay so ———— ?" He says back

"Yep" I say as I look at his face, he was honestly quite cute! Although I found Tubbo cute to so it wasn't weird!

"Ranbitch your staring- what type of name is Ranboo anyway?" He asks, I look away quickly and then look back

"Well it's not actually my real name, I prefer this one anyway." I scratch my head, he looks back at me and puts his phone away.

"okay now ranbitch! Your now my first friend since the 6th grade!" He says with a smug grin. As he puts his hand into a gun shape and shoots me. "Pewpew bitch boy! Your stuck with me now!" He laughs, I laugh to .

"You swear a lot." I say looking at the joyful boy.

"Yeah I know" he says still smug looking

"Maybe wanna go on walk? Somewhere not behind a gas station" I ask him as he grabs his bag.

"Sure bitch boy" he says with a smile I grab his hand.

( 260 words pretty short but that's the point I'm not doing 1000 word long chapters anymore >u< harhar anyways hope you enjoyed)

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