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My dearest Anna

Should I compare thee to a summers day? No. You hate summer days. But to compare you to a rainy October night would never even describe the level of your  magnificence.

Yours sincerely your love

My dearest Anna

With ever lonely night that passes I miss your warm embrace more than I ever thought I could miss anything. Please come back to me.

Yours sincerely your love

My dearest Anna

As I watch as the sun sets each evening i wait for it to reach the beauty you carry. It never does

Yours sincerely your love

My dearest Anna

I miss you.

Yours sincerely your love

The beauty gifted to a women is told to be a disguise to mask her cruel intentions. For some this is unfortunate truth. But not for Annabeth Taylor. Her red hair and green eyes where not hiding an evil being underneath. They where reflections of her kind and true soul. A quality her mother did not carry. Neither did her father.

As she sat with her head resting on the cold window of her farthers car a tear ran down her pale cheek. Her hands fiddled with a tissue in her lap as she tried to calm her nerves.

"Stop fiddling girl" her mother spat at her as she sat next to her in the middle seat of the car. Her father sat on the seat next to her mother simply signed in dismay.

"Sorry" Annabeth mumbled tucking the tissue away in her pocket. Her voice almost cracked as she tried to prevent herself from tearing up anymore.

"Christ Annabeth, please tell me you aren't planning on acting this way once we arrive at Welton, I mean for the love of God sit up straight" Annabeths mother make another comment in a spiteful voice. Annabeth fixes her posture immediately and looks down hoping her mother would not catch her hurt expression.

"Yes Annabeth this is not how a lady should be acting, especially one who is about to attend the best school in the country not to mention having the privilege of being the only girl allowed to attend" Annabeths Father also chips in to the conversation making her look at him.

"You're right I apologise" The girl say lifting my head high and attempting to brush off their harsh words. The two nod their heads and face forwards once again. Her father was a chemist and was very high up in the world of science. A very important figure to lost involved in the industry.

Rain begins to beat down against the windows of the car harshly. Annabeth moves her focus to the weather outside, trying to distant herself from the thought of being all alone in a school full of teenage boys.

Before she knew it the car had come to a stop and her bags where being taken out of the car and into Weltons entrance hall.

The beautiful pillars and tapestry caught Annabeths attention immediately. She looked around in awe mesmerised by the ancient architecture the was surrounding her.

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