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An alarm wakes the pair up. The second is goes off Annabeth berries her head I'm Charlie's neck trying to ignore it. Annabeth was dreading the day ahead. Was Neil's father really going to tell hers about what happened. She begged the gods above he wouldn't.

"We'll miss breakfast if we don't get up red" Charlie mutters.

"I don't care, I want to stay here in you, forever" Annabeth says kissing his neck softly.

"Then that's what we will do my dear" Charlie stokes Annabeths hair.

It got to about 11AM before the pair dragged themselves out of bed. It was a Sunday so they were free. Annabeth looked outside to see snow still layed on the ground.

"Let's go on a walk" Annabeth suggested and Charlie obliged.

Wrapped in jumpers and coats they started to walk together through the snow. Hand in hand. Mr Keating looked out his classroom window to see them together. He smiled and went back to his business.

Charlie picked up a pile of snow and threw it at Annabeth. She opend her mouth in shock. Charlie could not stop laughing. Annabeth threw a handful of snow at him and laughed. Charlie ran towards her and picked her up. Throwing her over his shoulder.

"Dalton you put me down right now!" Annabeth cried. Charlie walked towards a large pile of snow and dropped Annabeth in it. He laughed at her before she grabbed his coat and pulled him in also. He landed ontop of her.

Their faces where so close together. Charlie leaned in to kiss her but Annabeth shoved a snowball in his face. She burst into a fit of laughter.

"I hate you red" Charlie wipes the snow from his face.

"You adore me" Annabeth says sitting up and kissing his cheek.

"Sometimes" Charlie kisses her lips and smiles

"Always" says Annabeth

"And forever" Charlie relies.

"Mr Dalton, Miss Taylor" Mr Nolan is stood behind them with Annabeths father behind him. The two scramble to their feet.

"Mr Nolan, father" Annabeth says. Charlie watches as the happiness drains from her face.

"I think you know what this is about Miss Taylor" Mr Nolan clears his throat.

"Im disgusted to call you my daughter Annabeth" Mr Taylors voice is laced with haterid.

"Mr Dalton dont think you get away free of punishment" Mr Nolan says spitefully.

"He didn't do anything" Annabeth says

"Anna it's okay" Charlie tries to comfort Annabeth.

"No its not Charlie, he shouldn't be punished he's done nothing wrong Mr Nolan" Annabeth steps towards Mr Nolan.

"Annabeth that's quite enough!" Mr Taylor cries.

"No! I'm sick of you don't speak! Charlie has done nothing in fact he's the reason I am still here, if it wasn't for him you would be without a daughter!" Annabeth yells at her father who seems shocked by her doing so.

"Somtimes I think that would be best" Mr Taylor says. Annabeth steps back. Her eyes fill with hate and anger bit also tears.

"Can't you see what your doing" Charlie says bluntly

"What did you say" Mr Taylor spits

"I said can't you see you're breaking her, why can't you love her for the brilliant young women she is" Charlie protests.

"You have no say in this boy" Mr Taylor shakes his head.

"That may be true, but I will say it anyway she doesn't deserve to be treated as poorly as you treat her I hope one day you realise that and hate yourself for it" Charlie says making Mr Taylor silent. He grabs Annabeth by the arm and starst to lead her to the car. She pulls away and runs back to Charlie. She jumps on him and wrapps her arms around his neck. He grabs her waist. Annabeth let tears roll down her cheeks and so does Charlie.

"I'll come find you" Charlie whispers in her ear.

"I'll wait for you" Annabeth replies.

The two are forced to pull away. Annabeth looks at Charlie's face and wipes the tears from his cheeks. She kisses him gentally one last time on the lips before walking back to her father.

Annabeth looks up at Mr keatings window and sees him standing there. She salutes to him as a solider does to her captain and climbed into the car. She does not see but Mr Keating blows her a kiss and waves goodbye.

Annabeth sat in the back seat of the car as her father's drive starts the car. She looks at Charlie who is being yelled at by Mr Nolan. He doesn't seen to be listening, he is looking at the car as it drives away. Tears flood Annabeths eyes and she pulls out the small paper rose from her pocket. She places it to her lips. She looks at it and notices handwriting on the paper. She unfolded it to see...

Dear Red

I think I am falling inlove with you

From Dalton

She laughs and also cries even more than before holding the note to her chest.

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