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1. NO SMUT- Goes without saying if you wanna do smut and the other person is okay with it go for it.

2. PLEASE DO NOT HAVE TWO PEOPLE IN THE SAME GUILD- You can have twins but they have to be in different guilds I want everyone interacting. And not just with their own ocs

3. NO OOC FIGHTING- I don't tolerate it don't be toxic

4. DON'T HATE ON SOMEONES IDENITY- Care for everyone even if they are a different race, different sexuality, or stuff like that

5. WINNING A FIGHT WILL BE DETERMINED BY A WHEEL- I'll have a wheel with every characters name if you wanna fight

6. NO FORCING SHIPS- Ask people before you ship your oc with theirs. Dating obviously is allowed but please be respectful about it.

7. CHILDREN- You can have a child oc but they have to be weak they can't have any magic. Like plant is a plant you could have an oc like plant or a child made of water but they are not fighting people. Kids ages 5-14 are the ages that count as children. Also children have to have a parent or guardian so that's the only way you will get to be in the same Guild as another oc

8. SWEARING WILL BE ALLOWED- Honestly I can't stop people from swearing so whatever. I advise not to use the F word or any slurs.

9. LANGUAGES- Your oc can speak a different language however they need to know English well so you can't be like I don't understand what your saying and you have to respond in English so if you have a Spanish oc they must always be speaking in English when talking to others or if they are alone they can. If someone asks your oc what they were saying your oc must answer what they said.

10. GOD/DEVIL/DEMON/DRAGON- You can only have two ocs who have these powers. So you can have like a God slayer and dragon slayer and that's it or mix them around or pick the same one. Just two ocs with this power (preferably guild masters)

11. DODGING- You aren't a ninja you can't dodge every attack.

12. 8 CHARACTER LIMIT- There are 8 guilds so 8 is the max people can have for ocs


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