Part - II

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Hello guys I am back again..... Do you remember about Wat I was talking in the previous chapter???!!... Yup!!! I was talking about the "deadly room...."
After that horrible incident I felt something was wrong with that room... But I didn't approach my parents as it would be stupid of myself to go complain them about ghosts and sorts...!!! As it would have been a coincidence.... N we can't conclude anything without knowing anything in detail.....!!!
After a couple of days..... I forgot about the room and started concentrating more on my studies ... Things went on well after that....
Some times I used to watch movies there... But every time I used to be there I always felt someone was there next to me...
But one fine day, my friend who was my neighbour came home to watch "conjuring " ( one of the scariest movie ) as she had bought the CD. We had to go to that room itself as DVD player was only in that room. Both of us wanted the effect of a scary movie and so we switched of all the lights and sat..., after half an hour, the movie became more scary and slowly we switched on the light!!! . In the movie there is a scene where the family plays hide and seek and the devil claps it's hand inside the cupboard...!!! The time when it claped the light from our room switched off....
My friend panicked and went to remove the CD from the player but then the player did not work!! We switched off the player and shockingly the movie still continued....!!! Both of us were very scared and ran out of the house thinking that the power had gone.... And ran down to talk to my mother, but what made us even more panic was when we told my mother about the light thingy she told the power never went and the UPS was on... Soo we don't get to know when power goes!!!
We both went to my room and discussed about this...., after some time we thought it would have been the bulb fuse which made the light switch off as it did not 'on' when we switch it on.
She then went home and I slept off too!!!
The next day mom sent me clean all the rooms and I went to that room and tried experimenting with the light again ...., was sure that the light would not work and pressed the switch , shockingly the bulb did glow
Curiosity gained rather than being scared. I always used to feel uncomfortable when I used to stay in that room!!! There was a white chair next to the window, whenever I passed that room I always felt the room, I felt that someone would stare at me...!
We stayed in that house only for two years and my parents too did not stay happily as they had tooo much of tension!!! And when we met the astrologer he suggested us to move out of the house immediately as he told some problem is there with the house , and itseems he was not supposed to reveal it to us!! He also specified about one room which my parents were not aware of.... It's then when I told my parents about the story of the haunted room... We immediately lock the room and shifted our house....!!!
Now we are leading a happy life after we shifted our house.....
Hope you enjoyed the story!!! Please vote if you liked it... Thank you

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