Love, Unexpected

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Author Note: Hey this is my first fanfic ever guys so please be nice lol. I have used Dark as inspiration for this but i didn't copy. Thx and enjoy the read :*

Chapter 1

Bzzz, Bzzz. My eyes flutter as I hear my alarm going off. Bzz- I reach up and finally turn it off. I lay back down, dredding the day already. Then I open my eyes to see the most tranquil and beautiful creature before me; Niall Horan, my boyfriend of a year is lying asleep next to me, totally submerged in the covers facing me. He had porcelain skin which is a contrast to my caramel tan complexion, sun-kissed blond hair that fell on the pillow still holding is quiff, a fine yet wide nose that suited his face and my second favorite his thin yet slightly plumped lips that I loved to bite on to during our more intimate times.

I slightly brushed a few wisps of hair from his forehead before gliding my finger down from his temple to his dimpled chin. As I did, something magical happened. His eyes opened wide, almost soaking me in, looking through me. They are something you can't describe, they are a clear ocean blue that I can just plunge into.

"Mmm, Morning, love," he said in his raspy morning voice, pulling himself up to his elbows.

"Morning, handsome," I said still dazed by his beauty. He grabbed my hips to his own, pulling me in to his scent of vanilla which he always wore knowing it was my favorite smell.

We stared into each other's eyes,"I wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this or replay it and keep living it," he said more seriously.

"Me, too," I giggled, "But we need to get to work, bay."

"You go first, let me catch a few winks," Niall pulled the covers over his head. I laughed, got up and stretched while walking to the bathroom. After taking a shower, I pulled out my clothes and dressed as Niall showered. As I pulled on my boots, Niall walked out, towel wrapped about his waist, his phone vibrated and he checked it with a soft look.

"Who is it?," I asked, wondering who gave him such delight.

"What ...oh sorry... just Leemo tellin' me bout how he had a great time with Beth last night," he seemed surprised to find me still there but found his composure,"I think we are going to have some pints with the lads tonight, that ok?"

"I don't know, you seem distant lately, maybe we should spend more time together," I said nervously, biting my lip as always. After he pulled his shirt over his head, pulling down over his toned chest and v-line.

"Princess, I have all of the time in the world for you but I haven't seen the lads for awhile, pretty please, love, with whip cream and chocolate chips on top?," he said as he pulled me into his chest then looking at me, puckering his bottom lip with puppy eyes.

"Ugh, fine," I sighed,"maybe Beth or Harry and I can hang."

Niall pulled me up to a hug with him being 5'9 and me 5'2 was drastic, he twirled me and slowly brought me back down, looking at me with those irresistable eyes. He took my chin, tilted it up and kissed me passionately.

"Maybe, we can have a quickie before we go?," Niall teased with a wink and a sly smile.

"Niall... No I'm late now, but we can continue later," I said stealiing another kiss as I grabbed my bag, I blew a kiss which he caught, putting to his heart.

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