The Encounter

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It was a normal day for Miles. He was hard at work on a new invention and was making great progress on it. He had hoped to finish it by lunchtime. He had stopped to take a break when he heard a noise come from outside of his workshop. Alarmed, he had gone outside to go investigate. It was his good buddy, Sonic, who had run right past Miles's workshop. Miles found this odd, as Sonic had usually stopped by to check in on his friend. Miles had decided to call out to him. "Hey, Sonic!" He had called out. Sonic did not stop. Miles began to grow concerned. He had decided to catch up with the hedgehog. Whatever Sonic is up to, Miles thought, It must be important! He raced after his friend, his tails spinning as fast as they could. Eventually, Sonic stopped rather abruptly, and Miles was close behind. "Sonic! What's going on?" he had asked, concerned. The hedgehog had turned, ever so slightly. "Heya, Tails!" he had exclaimed. Miles's heart sank as a sudden wave of uneasiness washed over him. That wasn't Sonic. "I'm glad you've decided to join me. I could really use your help!" the hedgehog exclaimed. "...Who are you?" the fox had demanded. "You're not Sonic!" The hedgehog turned just a bit more, just enough for Miles to know it was looking at him. Those weren't Sonic's eyes. They were similar but looked... off. It began to speak again, its voice deeper and distorted. "Don't be silly, Miles. You know who I am." It began to turn more towards Miles. The fox's vision grew more blurry, the color seeming to drain from the world around him. The hedgehog turned around, revealing its...!

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