13//Rider pt.2

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13: rider pt. 2
notes: read a/n at the end, also sorry for any errors semi-proofread.

. . .

DIANA SLAMMER HER LOCKER DOOR CLOSED jumping when she seen the familiar motorcycle helmet staring back at her and groaned.

"morning big sis,"

She heard her younger brothers muffled voice making her groan and lean back against the cold metal. The boys muffled chuckle making her role her eyes.

"Did you do what needed to be done last night?"

She asked in a hushed tone making him lean forward and nod just as another person approached the two.

"This fucking school sucks arse"

Their youngest sister, Adria, spoke leaning in between the two. Big brown doe eyes filled with curiosity for the older siblings and their hushed chatting between each other.

"Adria, get to class and y/n take the fucking helmet off before you get in tr-

Before Diana could even finish her sentence a teachers voice could be heard behind the siblings.

"Mr. Silvers, get rid of the helmet immediately."

The teacher spoke making the three siblings groan, Diana turning to the voice with a glare, while her brother did what was told, abhorring what was inevitability asked of him. Meanwhile, the baby of the trio, Adria,  glared at the grey haired man who's eyes were locked onto her brother, the tension could practically be felt.

. . .


      UNKNOWINGLY A CURIOUS BLONDE WAS LOOKING over at the commotion, along with a few stragglers in the hall to see what was going on, seeing the three siblings visibly arguing with the one English teacher, Mr. Dickens, that'd always find and pick on the littlest of things when it came to the many teens.

One would voice, that Mr. Dickens hated teaching young adults, who were much to his disliking had a rather, what would he say in his words?— A distasteful outlook on the world. In the shortest of terms, he hated the future generation of America.

A girl, Billie — had known as Diana rolled her eyes smacking the boy beside her in a motorcycle helmet. The shortest amongst the two began giggling as the boy nodded. Finally Mr. Dickens walked away, and still Billie watched, waiting to see the boys face.


He'd reminded her of the guy who'd came by her dads store a week ago. The rider she'd come to find out from the source itself, being named 'Flash' and since then she'd been on the look out. For what exactly? She wasn't sure, but constantly she'd be paying attention to anyone driving motorcycles and wearing helmets, so therefore this boy had Billie's undivided attention.

Unbeknownst, the young Silvers didn't know he was flying too close to the sun, by being in the same school, as the girl who was single-handedly looking for the guy who was under the mask.


y/n groaned loudly once his older sister Diana smacked him again with a warning glare he knew better than to challenge. He unclipped the clip on the bottom of his helmet and pulled it off finally with a sigh. y/n hated having to take off his helmet especially at school, shit, if it was up to him he'd keep it on all day til he was at home. He didn't like the attention and he also liked the mystery. He'd clearly seen so many having on him just by wearing his helmet, til the teachers started complaining about it and it being a safety issue as well.

The Silvers was lost staring at his reflection with a frown while Diana watched with a slight frown of her own knowing how her brother felt.

Meanwhile, the youngest sibling trying to lighten up her brothers dim mood, glanced down, seeing her brothers helmet and chose mischief. She yanked the helmet from her brothers grip and took off running down the hall quickly making the boy chase her as they ran past Billie.

Billie watched the siblings run towards her, a small smile plastered on her face as she heard giggles coming from the girl with the helmet while a boy, with brown wavy hair and deep brown eyes caught her stare.

And like that Billie froze,realizing they'd looked very familiar. The boy caught Billies stare and smiled, as if silently saying sorry. Y/n continued to pursue his sister pushing himself to run faster as a smile slowly made its way onto his face. The  young Silvers completely unaware of the familiar blue eyes he'd met a week ago.

If only he'd realized.


Diana groaned once again leaning back on her locker, annoyed—til she'd notice the blonde she'd seen around school, Billie Eilish. A junior who's family owned a small store. It was few blocks from their school that was known around school as the "chill store" as Diana's peers described. The girls brother, Finneas who was a senior was known for always letting the young teens get booze without carding anyone.

Diana watched as Billie glanced where her siblings, y/n and Adria had taken off to and followed the trail. Diana was slightly worried, her brother y/n had went to the O'Connell's to collect the weekly income. It was a side business no one knew about and she'd made sure to give her brother a code name and everything, yet she couldn't help but think, maybe - just maybe the blonde possibly knew or recognized her brother.

So she followed Billie, as a precaution, of course.

. . .


I sighed as Adria and I neared the small park a whole block from school, panting with a wide smile. Of course the run was a pain in the ass but, I still liked the games Adria played. She and Diana always kept me on my toes.

My helmet still in her hands.

"I fucking ha-

Before I could finish my sentence, my phone started ringing causing me to look down seeing my older sister, Diana was calling. I could practically here the scolding before I even got the phone to my ear.

I sighed answering it and leaning back til I fell on the wood chipped covered park while Adria walked over, joining me.

It was quiet on the other side of the line til it wasn't. If I'd known what the call was about, I would've much rather have taken a scolding then, worrying about a certain blonde.

"We've got a problem."

. . .

Ouuuu, we've got our 2nd part peoples ! I want to make more Lauren imagines but the votes have been down ),: BUT we're about to hit 300k views on it with 5k votes so that's something to be happy about! I'm so grateful for you all, truly.

This part 2 was overdue I feel and hopefully y'all leave some feedback, I wanna talk to my audience so don't be shy leave some comments, requests, ideas or what you think could/ should happen in the part 3 !

I love you all for taking the time to read this, vote and hopefully commenting! Please feel free to look into my other works, but, be aware I wrote a lot of it when I was younger.

ALSO—before I forgot, I posted if you'd like to see Bella Hadid imagine book, which if you do, please comment. I've even wanted to dip into the mcu by maybe making Black widow/Natasha imagine book too—but once again, please, let me know.

Have a good day or night, x.

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