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23.                               FIRE

         SOMETIMES IN SCHOOL BILLIE would think about what I'd feel like to love and be in love. She wondered if it was as the movies, books and gossip she'd hear in the girls changing rooms in school had made it out to be, to sound.

     That's what English class was for, she'd sat in the far right near the damp window, looking out, Mr. Graces too busy trying to get the athletes to quiet down. The small taps of rain and their teacher being heard, that is til the classroom door was pushed open.

      The class going silent as they'd watched the schools "bad boy" walk in, he'd had the deepest amber eyes Billie had ever seen. The harsh glare that held pure power and hate directed at everyone.

       The boys in class slightly gulping in his presence, nervous to move or speak, too afraid of not knowing his next move had some of them, perhaps all of them, unsettled. The girls on the other hand were, well for the most part, intrigued. His hard demeanor never faulted, no one threatened him and as he stood, to billies guesses, at almost 7ft it was understandable.

        The last time she'd seen him his hair was buzzed, but now he was sporting shoulder length curls. And Billie had to admit, he looked so good. She'd watched him like everyone else til their eyes met, and in those small seconds azure blues met dark chestnut mixed in with small specs of viridescent.

         Those seconds seemed like hours as Billie watched the way the cold glare was washed away and this soft look of adoration took its place, but it was there only for a second longer til it was gone and back to the familiar brooding expression she and everyone else seen daily.

       He'd sat at the desk behind Billie, the sound of the chair being pushed back, along with the screeching of metal and silence overtook the classroom once again. Mr. Graces patience easily wearing thin as he sighed loudly — and before the older man could speak, the bell ring loudly.


   And Billie much like her classmates, all began scrambling to get their stuff and file out the room like it was ablazed. "Z" as they'd referred to "bad boy" as was beside Billie as they'd both exited the door and gotten lost in the sea of people.

      Many didn't know about Z or where he'd came from, They just remembered how he'd came to be in the school and how his glare held an unspoken fire, as if taunting, I dare you to try me. And no one ever did, too afraid to get humiliated in a fight of any degree. The look in his eyes often had Billies head swirling with questions, all taunting her to get answers — yet she didn't ever ask, much like her classmates, she too was afraid of humiliation.

       The bell sounded again just as Billie pushed the door open, finding her once lonely desk now pushed beside another, that being beside Z.


"It says here, miss Tiffany assigned y'all seats, and those assigned seats are currently pushed beside someone, and that someone will be your partner for the project we'll be going over together." The unknown sub read off the sheet in her hand.

       Billie sighed as she slowly made her way over to her desk, Z watched her every move. Shed sat and looked over at him as he'd simply sat in silence, an phlegmatic expression clear as day.

      She'd turned to focus on her stuff til a rough, low and raspy voice caught her attention. Z's eyes ahead, watching the sub as he spoke lowly.

"Billie? Right? That's your name."

      To say Billie was shocked would be an understatement, never would she'd expect Z to know her name — let alone care enough to want to know her name, but right now, in classroom 202 of advanced chem Z knew.

"Uh...yea. A-and your z? Right?"

      Billie lowly whispered back as she got out a notebook and pencil, glancing at the boy beside her through her lashes. She seen how one side of his face curved upwards, a small smirk taking over his features — teasing.

      Z didn't say it but he could tell in her stare and voice she knew his name already. The clarification and uncertainty was only a cover to not come off as, noisy? He couldn't put a name to it on the spot, but he liked her efforts to not make it seem like she'd know him.

He leaned back and stretched his long arms behind his head, the leather jacket opening to show his clean white muscle shirt. The fabric showing Billie his lean abdominal muscles as the boy nodded.


She nodded to herself as she shook off the daze she'd felt he'd had pulled her into, and focused in on the lines within the notebook, which she'd soon filled with the notes of said project. And Z simply listened — he wasn't one to take notes seeing as his memory was sharp and he could easily remember word for word of what the sub was saying, along with the brooding expression he'd had came with knowledge, but people didn't see that since they were too hung up on his looks and all the what ifs of what he was capable of doing.

But Billie was different, in his opinion at least. She'd stared too but she was still different, she was lost in her own words most of the time, and the look of curiosity always flared in her eyes when she'd seen him, compared to the usuals. The lust, jealousy, fright all almost hiding billies look of curiosity. But now sitting beside her, the look was as clear as day, glowing even as if calling — screaming even, for answers only Z could give and in that moment, the boy decided wordlessly that he'd give those answers. They'd probably take on the form of riddles for the blonde to decipher and pick apart, to maybe show something.


Ngl I MIGHT make this into a book seeing as I like the beginning and this, is just well, the beginning. I hope y'all like this and hotel (pt.2) will come next hehe with maybe smut 👀🤭

There's been a few imagines I've made that've drawn me in to want to make books but I'm not exactly 100% sure I'd be able to commit to them and most likely the update schedule would get delayed due to life and mental health.

I also noticed a handful liked "our stars" which was a good doctor imagine based on Lea x Male oc. A comment said make an imagine book for Lea and I'd like to know if y'all would want that to POSSIBLY happen, so let me know in the comments. I might even bring back Lauren imagines OR Camila imagines but I need comments to steer my judgment!


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