Chapter 5: Bane

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"You took a shower without me..." he whispered into my ear as his hands slithered upward to cup my breasts. "I hate waking up without you..."

Three months and two weeks. We've been married for ninety-eight days and I thought that I would find transitioning into a wife difficult but it was strangely too easy.

"Tulog na tulog ka kasi kaya hindi na kita ginising," I replied. "Is the water's temperature to your liking?"

"Everything is to my liking..." he said. "And why does my wife feel guilty for tiring me out last night?" he asked rubbing his hardness against my backside. "When I volunteered to be enslaved in bed by her?"

"Enslaved? My waist, my crotch, and my hips are about to file a protest."

He chuckled as he slipped a hand between my legs.



"Akala ko ba may meeting ka ngayon?" I asked as he started nibbling my ear. "You said that you have a meeting with Twin Dragons, remember?"

"Mamaya pa 'yun..."

I laughed softly. "I thought that your meeting's at eight...?"

"Who goes to a meeting at eight? Castor and Pollux Saenz must be out of their minds..."

"But you agreed..."

"To get Castor off my back. He canceled our meeting last week because he was off chasing after a woman. What made him think that I'd sacrifice my morning with my wife because he's crazy over a woman?"


"What's with the hm...?"

"There's just something romantic about the phrase chasing after a woman..."

"Bakit, you don't find me romantic enough?" he playfully queried before giving me a thorough kiss.

My first night as Mrs. Ynchausti was rather suspenseful and I was a little worried that after all that had happened, his staff would find me unlikable. But, Manang Magda was a good sport and even teased me about how I managed to make someone like Ayden Xyon Ynchausti lose his mind.

"H'wag n'yo nang alalahanin 'yung kagabi. Naka-diaper pa lang 'yang mister n'yo ay kilala ko na 'yan. Minsan talaga ay mainitin ay ulo n'yan lalo na kapag hindi n'ya nakukuha ang gusto n'ya."

"Pasensya na po kasi napagalitan po kayo, Manang—"

"Ate Magda na lang. 'Yun ang tawag sa akin ng pamilya ni Sir Ayden."

"Pasensya na po talaga."

She had waved my apology off with a wide smile. "Okay lang 'yun. Makabubuti d'yan sa asawa ninyo ang kabahan paminsan-minsan," she had added.

I had an inkling that our sleeping arrangement was something that Ate Magda was curious about but was too loyal to ask. Still, I would sometimes find her regarding me with a worried expression on her face which would immediately disappear when she'd realize that I was looking.

"Your mind is somewhere else..." my husband whispered lifting my leg off the floor before slipping his tumescence into me. "Should I be affronted that here I am naked but my wife is thinking of something else?" he asked moving his hips. "What is it, Sweetheart?" he asked as he filled me with unhurried strokes.

"I am just worried na baka ma-late ka sa meeting mo," I alibied. "You were excitedly talking about the new bar business that you and your cousins are venturing into."

"Sweetheart, business can wait. I can't," he said. "Do you want it harder?"

I shook my head.

"The pace is to your liking?"

With Strings AttachedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon