Chapter 15

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"So I was thinking a pink and blue theme for the baby shower" Lisa is saying to Chris and I one day when she's visiting some weeks later. By now my stomach is showing a lot more and we're just days away from finding out what we're having.

My anxiety rises.

I didn't even know she was planning this, and it's my worst nightmare - sat in a room full of people there to celebrate a baby that they don't even want, or to talk to a woman who they despise.

"Oh..." I now glance nervously to Chris who had looked up from sending an email on his phone.

Lisa frowns, "what?"

"I mean, please don't think I'm being ungrateful because I'm not, but I really don't want a baby shower" I trail off, feeling bad as I see her face.

"Why not? You have to have one Fallon..."

Chris now steps in. "Ma, if she doesn't want one then we don't have to have one".

"I just don't like all the attention on me, I just want to get through this pregnancy without any stress or worry of journalists finding out. It's lovely of you to want to do it, but I just don't want to make a big deal..." I try to explain.

"Oh". She now says, and I can see she's holding back from saying what she really thinks. "I just thought that given you're used to press and that it's another grandchild for our family, that you'd want to celebrate it".

"When no one else wants to?" I suddenly come out with it bluntly. "Because let's face it, no one else really cares about it".

I see Chris now sit up. "Fal...calm down".

"No, because no one else is happy for us? So why throw some big facade and have them make out they are? They all hate me; they disagree with our relationship and think I'll up and run from you again. Scott may have given half an apology for treating me how he did, but at least it's something". I can't stop now, "I just want to keep this on the down low, I don't want any fuss, I...ugh!" I stand up. "I'm sorry I'm not the daughter in law you wanted for your son, and thank you for wanting to throw a baby shower, but please don't do it because you feel obligated too - after all? Why waste time with me?"

Lisa's stumped and now Chris is trying to coax me back so we can talk, but all I want to do is just go and hide away.

I make for the room that we've just started turning into the nursery. The crib is already set up, and we've gone for a neutral theme so it's easier to decorate in the future once the baby is older. I begin to sort some things out, when Chris walks in. "You feel better now that's off your chest?"

"Why? Did it upset your mother?" I say bitterly.

He sighs. "She's trying Fal, why can't you see that? The baby shower might help to bring the family round a little more".

Of course he's going to choose his mother in this circumstance.

"I didn't mean to offend her, you heard me tell her that, but I can't stand the idea of being stuck in a room with a bunch of people who dislike me and haven't even offered their congratulations to us. The thought of it is stressing me out!"

I'm fully aware that I sound like an entitled bitch right now, but the truth of it is, I really don't want the attention or the hushed gossip that is bound to come with this.

"And you think I'm not stressed out by all this? I've been fighting for us Fal! Telling my family, they need to accept the circumstances, but now my mom tries to do something for you, you tell her no". He argues. "If we get married then what the hell are we supposed to do in terms of a wedding? Not invite anyone?"

"Will your mum even be happy for us then? Because right now I'm her worst nightmare".

"And you're not making it any better for yourself or anyone else". He states coldly. I stare at him and then make for the door. "Where are you going?"

"Taking Dodge for a walk!" I yell back at him and storm out, grabbing my coat and Dodger's lead. He's by my side immediately and we break free from the toxic cloud that's now hanging over this house.

Was it wrong of me to tell Lisa not to bother? To speak out about how I really feel when I've bottled it up.

Perhaps I should've just sat there, smiled and said thank you - now I'm the one who looks like the ungrateful bitch who denied her future mother-in-law from making amends by wanting to supposedly celebrate her grandchild.

All I seem to be doing through this pregnancy is crying, and I hate it. Then there's the stress of keeping the relationship and baby from the press until the time is right. They'll find out eventually, I have some awards to attend towards the end of the pregnancy, and there will be no hiding the bump then.

Rumours will begin again. Questions circulating, but we're not confirming anything. Not until we're fully settled and comfortable enough to do so.

Maybe by then everything will be sorted and we can actually be a family that we were meant to be.

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