"Are you sure about this?" Jimin wrings his hands anxiously as he watches Molly strap our four month old son into a stroller.
"I'm not sure about this."
"My love, we talked about this."
"You agreed it was a good idea last night, didn't you?" I place my hands on his shoulders and look him in the eye.
"Everything is going to be fine."
We're standing in the driveway in front of the house as Molly prepares to take our son, on a walk through the neighborhood.
It's a nice sunny afternoon.
The sky is clear, It's a perfect day for an outing like this.
"Don't worry."
"I won't let anything happen to him." Molly says with a smile.
"He'll be okay."
"I know you'll look at after him."
"I just..." Jimin chews his lip and looks between Molly and me for a moment.
"I'm sorry, It's just the first time I'll be away from him for more than a few minutes."
"Which is exactly why we need to do this." I pull him into a warm hug.
"hobi will be okay with Molly but you need a little bit of a break, even if it's just for an hour once or twice a week. You need to relax, unwind and stop trying to be super papa all the time."
Jimin chuckles a little and steps forward to kneel beside the stroller. "I know..."
Hobi squeals with excitement when he sees Jimin.
Four months old and he's already a papa's boy.
I smile as I watch them together, my omega and my son.
"You be good for Grandma, okay?" Jimin says as he gently kisses hobi's forehead.
"I'll see you soon." He rises from the ground and quickly gives Molly a hug.
"I'm sorry for being such a wet blanket."
"You're not a wet blanket." she assures him.
"You're a new parent, He's your firstborn.Of course you don't want to let him out of your sight. I promise, everything's going to be okay. We're going to meet Kai down by the park and feed the geese. Then we'll come home."
"We'll be out for an hour, minimum, Two hours max." Molly winks at me before she moves behind the stroller and grabs the handle.
"Bye!" Jimin calls out and waves after them as Molly sets off a steady walk down the driveway.
"Come on." I gingerly coax Jimin inside by his elbow.
"I've got those foot massage oils Tae sent you for your birthday all ready upstairs."
"I'll rub your feet and you can read that new book you got."
I know Molly thinks I want this time alone with Jimin so we can make up for the dead spot in our love life as of late.
While it's true that I wouldn't say no to a little lovemaking, I'm more interested in trying to help Jimin relax.
I wasn't being facetious when I called him Super Papa.
He's taken his role very seriously and has been working hard to make sure hobi is meeting all his developmental milestones.
I know he's trying to make up for a lot of the things he's certain he missed out on but I've been growing a little worried about him.

FanfictionAs a straight alpha, Jeon Jungkook never been interested in omegas especially men. He's only dated women who were betas or alphas but his last girlfriend wanted more of a commitment from him than he was willing to give, so he knew it was time to mov...