I'm cold and wet from the puddle I landed in but I'm not one to show weakness.
"Is that all you've got?"
It's raining and dark, the only light in the alley comes from a single lamp over the back door to the bar and the distant neon lights on the main street.
Surrounding me are deep shadows and I can't really make out the faces of my attackers.
But I know who they are.
There are four of them. Brothers.
They're regulars in the bar where I work.
All of them are alpha assholes.
I usually ignore them but they're constantly harassing the omega servers.
Between catcalls, insults and groping, it's not easy to pretend they don't exist but they've never crossed a line into actual physical violence before.
Of course, no one ever tried to stand up for other omegas before either.
I took this job three weeks ago so I could get out of Omega House and meet some new people.
Now, it looks like it might cost me my life.
I spit a mouthful of blood out on the broken pavement beside me and glare defiantly at the alphas standing over me.
I'm not going to give them the satisfaction of hearing me beg.
"Looks like the little dough boy here still hasn't learned his lesson." one of them says with a laugh.
Another one grabs a handful of my hair and yanks me up from the ground, I try to hold back a cry but it's not easy.
My fist curls around his, clutching his hand to try and keep him from pulling my hair out by the roots.
He holds me so close to his face I can feel his breath on my neck as he leans in close.
"You'd think a pudgy little sack of shit like you would know better than to stand up to an alpha."
"Maybe we need to do something a little more drastic?" The asshole sounds amused by his proposition.
"He ain't worth fucking if that's what you're suggesting." The first guy sounds disgusted by the idea.
"Nah, that's not it at all." The one holding me tosses me back to the ground.
I land heavily in the water, the chill soaking through to my bone I think I'd be shivering if I wasn't so terrified.
Adrenaline rushes through my veins, warming me up and driving back most of the pain.
My eyes dart around for an opening but I can't seem to find one.
"I think he just needs some permanent damage is all. Something to remember us by."
The one that was holding me spits on me then I hear a soft snick in the darkness.
In the dim light, I see the reflection of a smooth metal surface on switch blade as its owner holds it aloft. The rest of the brothers chuckle in their drunken stupor, anticipating the fun in store for them tonight.
My blood runs cold as I realize the gravity of my situation.
Screw pride. Screw defiance.
I dig deep in my energy store and scramble across the ground, desperate to get away.
"Hold him!" The knife wielder lunges at me but I kick free of his grasp. Unfortunately, his brothers are on me before I can get more than a few feet away.

FanficAs a straight alpha, Jeon Jungkook never been interested in omegas especially men. He's only dated women who were betas or alphas but his last girlfriend wanted more of a commitment from him than he was willing to give, so he knew it was time to mov...