Octo-agents Incorrect quotes .2

209 6 1

This was requested by my friend SoicySandwich

(I also have no idea for a oneshot so we have another Incorrect quotes)

Now please enjoy! :D


Min: If I may interject...

Tracker: Oh, awesome, Min was eavesdropping.


Pearl: You're pathetic!

Tracker: You're pathetic-er!

Paani: You're both losers.


Tracker: I know what you're up to.

Natquik: Really? Because I barely know.


Min: Pearl is a strings kid. We must sacrifice them to the band gods.

Tracker: Yes.

Ryla: You're right. It'd be a good initiation for me.

Pearl: Wait, guys, what about the truce we signed-

Tracker: What truce?

Min: *sigh* The truce that we must destroy all the choir kids and leave the strings alone.

Natquik: Wait, I'm a choir kid!

Everyone else: *prepares for sacrifice*


Paani: I got an idea!

Marsh: Does it involve breaking the law?

Paani: By now don't you think that's a given?

Marsh: I was just trying to be optimistic.

Paani: Don't bother.


Calico Jack: "It's easy to forget what a sin is in the middle of a battlefield."

Pearl: Opposite over hypotenuse.

Pearl: Dipshit.


Min: Get in loser, we're going shopping.

Pearl: This is a McDonald's drive thru.


Paani: I'm bored, any suggestions?

Pearl: Sleeping is nice.

Paani: I acknowledge your suggestion, and I'm deciding to ignore it.


Paani: I'm bored, any suggestions?

Pearl: Sleeping is nice.

Paani: I acknowledge your suggestion, and I'm deciding to ignore it.


Ryla: Damn, the power went out.

Marsh: Don't worry, I got this.

Marsh: *shakes rapidly and starts to light up*

Ryla: What-?

Marsh: I swallowed a glow stick!

Ryla, on the verge of tears: WHY WOULD YOU-


Pearl: I never tell people off the bat that I'm gay. I wait. I wait until they say some homophobic shit and then I laugh and am like "you know I'm gay right?" and watch the look of terror on their face.


Natquik: I like you.


Calico Jack: Fruits that do not live up to their names; passionfruit, grapefruit, honeydew and dragonfruit.

Calico Jack: Fruits that do live up to their names?

Calico Jack: Orange.

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