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[Temple, Iraq. Friday,
May 31, 2003.]

𝟶𝟷:𝟹𝟺 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟹𝟺𝟾 𝙵𝚃.

Nicholas Kay regains consciousness from the piles of bones that he crashed onto during the assault earlier. "Jason?" He harshly whispered. "Jason, are you here?" He continued before pushing the bits of human remains away from him with a disgusted moan. Crawling away from the pile, Nick picked up his rifle and then stood to his feet where he begins to look around the chamber.

Rachel King, who lay sprawled out on the ground, regained consciousness with a jolt. "What the fuck?..." she says to herself before bringing a hand to rest on her hand, seething, as a painful migraine made itself known to the woman. Standing to her feet, she stumbles backwards and looks off to the side only to find Nick standing a mere few feet away from her. His mouth hung agape at the sight of his lover being alive. "Nick, I thought I'd lost you..." Rachel confessed and rushed over to his side, engulfing him in a tight embrace.

"I thought I'd lost you." He said tenderly, smirking, and started to kiss the CIA Field Officer. Unaware of the nearing figures that unpleasantly approached them.

"Right..." The voice belonged to Eric King. He was disappointed but he at least was able to interrupt the pair's reunion, much to Rachel's shock. "Eric!" She exclaims in an embarrassed tone after being caught in the act. Nathan Merwin and Y/n L/n were loosely following behind the blond, watching in disgust but, truth was, they had no other choice. They didn't know where the others were. If they were still alive. Just as Nick and Eric were about to have yet another argument, a noise prompted them otherwise.

Suddenly, The Ancient One — the vampiric soldier — crawls out of a hole. The transformed human twitches as he tilted his head to the side after realizing the group. Eric, knowing the creature's sensitivity to light, tries to use the UV lamp, only to find it malfunctioning. "Shit, it's malfunctioning!" He said out loud, stammering.

"Colonel, you gotta go!" Nick shouted, partially wanting the blond out of harm's way and the other part of him wanting to avoid the confirmation, and then started to shoot at The Ancient One but to no avail. Obeying these orders, Eric rushed to the catacombs.

"Ew, ew, ew—" Y/n grabbed a hold of Merwin's forearm, tugging on it. "Let's get out of here." She added which prompted the technician to nod in agreement.

"You just read my mind, lil' missy," Merwin whispered under his breath and shook off Y/n's grasp before they came after Eric. "You too, Nick. You're coming with us." Rachel said matter-of-factly, almost pleading.

"Come on, Rach!" Eric yelled for his wife who meekly followed suit. Begrudgingly, Nick fell back and followed the couple only to be chased by the vampiric Balathu.

After reaching the end of the corridor, the group arrives at the well room and — after noticing a passageway on the other side — Nick hollers, "Over there!" When everyone was inside, the men shut the door behind them just as the other on the opposing m side started to bang on the opening.

"We're out of time, get out of here!" Rachel fed into their anxieties as Y/n titled with the hem of her shirt, biting the inside of her cheek to not vocalize her own fears about the other's fate. "Hurry up, hurry up..." the h/c-haired girl bounced with anticipation. Taking the danger into account, the three boys step away before venturing further down the cave where they arrive at the room before the medical bay.

As they stood dumbfounded in the middle of the room, the group then overheard The Ancient One kicking the door in. Platonically holding Y/n's hand, Merwin moves out of the opening to the side where he hides behind a large pillar with the girl. Protecting her. She was as sure as hell not his wife but he knew that something was going on between Y/n and Jason. It was as clear as day. "Hurry! Stay out of sight!" Eric whispered to the group as they either followed Merwin's actions or hide behind a coffin.

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