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[Star Chamber, Iraq.
Friday, May 31, 2003.]

𝟶𝟺:𝟸𝟸 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟹𝟾𝟽𝟽 𝙵𝚃.

When all the remaining survivors were safely in the Star Chamber, they all began to look around for more clues. Y/n L/n, after sharing a few sparing glances with Jason Kolchek, offered him a smile before — hesitantly — stepping away to join Nathan Merwin who gave the h/c-haired a knowing look. "What was that all about?" He huskily asked.

"What was what all about?" Y/n acted as if she didn't know what he was referring to.

"Don't play so innocent, L/n," Merwin shook his head at her playful arrogance. "I know what I saw. You like Kolchek, don't you?" He added matter-of-factly.

She instinctively shook her head at his confidence, despite it being true. "Nope." It was all she could say. Before Merwin could ask any more of his pressing inquiries of his colleague, she scurried to the corner of the room and watched as Nick Kay places his backpack on a table.

"We need a plan." Salim Othman pointed out the obvious and looked at the others which mainly consisted of Jason, Y/n, and Nick since those were the ones that he was closest with. "We fuck those things up and get the fuck out," Jason replied, scowling. There wasn't much to it.

"Good plan!" Salim said, sarcastically, which caused Y/n to press her lips into a thin line as she tried her hardest to not burst out laughing right then and there.

"Sergeant Kay, what do we got left?" Jason then looked over his shoulder to Nick to brief him about the remaining types of equipment they got left.

"So, we got... um... eight clips of 556 FMJ, three 40 mil high-ex rounds, couple of nine mil pistols, four clips between them... we'll make that work," he went off on his brief. "Plus two White Phosphorus rounds. Oh... and one block of composition C4." Nick said with a smirk.

"Well, what about the UV lamp?" Jason glances over to Eric for an explanation. "Took a knock but I can fix it. Just need a minute." The blond replied as he stared at the piece of machinery, thinking to himself.

"I can get that pretty lamp of yours prepped in half that time." Merwin chimed in, almost challenging, as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. He was acting like a child on Christmas all over again. His eyes practically brightened upon remembering that the UV lamp even existed. Y/n can't blame him though. He seemed to have a field day with it as soon as Eric showed it off in the briefing room.

"All in, it's not enough." Nick bites the inside of his cheek. "We've also got this," Jason added before placing some straps of dynamites from the archaeologists' remains on top of the table, joining the plethora of weapons.

Picking up a bundle of dynamite while casting down a disapproving look, Nick said, "It's old. Unpredictable." He tried to reason with the lieutenant.

"We work with what we got," Kolchek responded, not caring about the risks that may follow.

"Fuses are shot, but we can use the C4 to detonate them," Nick concluded. "Let's just hope they still pack a punch."

"The vampires come from those cocoons. You saw how many there were in that vault. There could be thousands in there." Salim spoke up.

"So we blow them up," Jason shrugged his shoulders. "Burn as many of those motherfuckers as we can and head for the surface. What do you think, Sergeant?" He looked over to Nick.

"Oorah!" He answered, enthusiastically, before Jason gives Salim a handgun.

"I'm not gonna allow him to carry a pistol." Rachel grimaced as she expressed her concern about giving the enemy a weapon.

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