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[Unknown Structure, Iraq.
Friday, May 31, 2003.]

𝟶𝟻:𝟸𝟸 𝙷𝚁𝚂
𝙳𝙴𝙿𝚃𝙷: 𝟹𝟺𝟺𝟺 𝙵𝚃.

A thin layer of sweat covered the nape of Jason Kolchek's neck as he advanced to Salim Othman's position. Gut-wrenching, heart pumping — after several thrusts forward his legs became tired as his boots clicked on the floor of the unknown structure. Eventually, Jason reaches the Iraqi just in time for a vampire to land in front of Salim.

With the creature distracted, Jason raised his gun once more and reigned fire on the vampire, shooting it in the back. Salim, however, was at first startled at the sound of gunfire and crouched lower to the ground whilst the vampire behind him flailed wildly. When Salim regained his composure, he turned around and jammed his stake deep into the vampire's chest — impaling yet another one of these devilish monsters.

"You've come to join the fun?" He joked, laughing, as he pulled the stake out from the beast's chest cavity. Jason didn't reply and instead fires at the vampires continuously, after which he reloads his rifle. After dropping the used magazine and replacing it with a fully loaded one, a vampire approaches Jason from behind. The American was unaware of his vulnerable state.

"Jason!" Salim yelled out before tossing his stake, landing it perfectly. Jason scurries away to move out of the way as, in one swift move, Salim pulls out the stake, smacks the vampire upside the head as if it were a baseball bat, and then proceeded to stab it once more.

"Did you seriously just throw that thing at me?" Jason's jaw seemed to have fallen on the floor as he asked this rhetorical question. He was just happy that he didn't get hit.

"I did." Salim beamed before retrieving his weapon once more. "I saved you, so... maybe you'll get that date after all." He referred to their earlier discussion surrounding Y/n.

Shaking his head, "Let's get out of here." He replies before they break for the elevator.

Jason and Salim weaved through the chasm until they got to the elevator where everyone just so happened to be waiting for them. What a relief, Jason thought, but he knew in his heart that his team wouldn't willingly abandon him — not with both Merwin and Y/n to testify in his and Salim's favour.

Merwin, Rachel, and Nick positioned themselves close to the ground with their weapons at the ready whilst Y/n and Eric stood behind them, also raising their guns. As soon as the familiar h/c-haired girl caught a glimpse of the lost pair, she let out a huge exhalation of pent-up breath and was relieved that they were safe and sound, not even so much of a scratch was sustained between the two soldiers.

Everyone — aside from Jason and Salim who hurried into the cramped elevator — started to reign fire on the vampires who were in hot pursuit of the two men as they all simultaneously began to back up into the elevator themselves. When everyone was inside, Nick closed the gate whereas Jason pulled on the lever which initiated the machine's slow ascend.

As Lieutenant Kolchek turned around, Y/n took a moment to give him a tentative smile and soon yelped when Merwin crossed his arms to take up more space, forcing Y/n's frame to be pushed up against Jason's side. "Sorry..." she immediately apologized. She then looked up and managed to lock eyes with Merwin only to see his dopey grin.

"You're fine, darlin'. No harm done." Jason let out a weak laugh and his chuckles were soon joined by Nick's. "Takes more than a few bars to kill you." The sergeant proceeds to fist-bump his buddy.

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