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[Baghdad, Iraq. Friday,
May 31, 2003.]

When the survivors returned to Camp Slayer, they were all separated into divided rooms to be debriefed by agents of an unidentified United States government agency. These individuals wore hazmat suits along with a gas masks to ensure complete and utter safety. Plus, it gave them all the more reason not to show their face. For discretion purposes, of course.

One, in particular, Brooks, awaited by one of the entrances of Saddam's Palace for her colleague. "You're late and you look like shit." She jokingly reprimanded the man approaching her.

"I just got off the red eye. What's your excuse?" He, Miller, matched her energy. The pair then touched each other's elbows as a makeshift fist bump. "Good flight?" Brooks tilted her head to the side and clutched the notepad in her hands firmly.

"Shit movie, shit meal, no leg room." Miller briefly went over the trip with a sigh. Sparing the woman the lengthy details. "They cram you in the back?" Brooks further questions in a desperate attempt to keep the conversation going.

"By the toilets."

"Nice!" Brooks smiled from under her mask. "Coffee wasn't so bad, though. Good fucking muffins." Miller then complimented the decent portion of the trip. It wasn't much to go off of but there was at least some good to come out of it.

"Did you read the brief?" Brooks soon changed the focus of the topic as she opened the front door for Miller to walk in. The palace has now turned into a site for experiments.

"On the flight," Miller replied nonchalantly. "How's it going with the analysis team?" He inquired.

"Six if the ISG unit arrived. They're being debriefed through there," she referred to the agents interrogating the remaining survivors. "Shall we?" Brooks gestured to walk further into the palace.

"After you," Miller does the chivalrous thing and waits for Brooks to take the lead before leisurely following her. The two pass through a tunnel which was strictly used for utmost discretion and containment. "And the entities?" The man referred to the vampires, though he didn't want to entirely believe such an outrageous statement. 

"Like nothing we've seen before," Brooks says matter-of-factly as they pass a room where another agent could be seen extracting a parasite being from a dead vampire.

"Kolchek, Jason. First Lieutenant - Marine Force Recon." Brooks soon changed the subject as they reached the first interrogation room. "The best of the best, huh?" Miller commented, smugly.

"Or so they advertised."

"Fuck!" Jason cursed. "How many times do I have to keep telling you the same damn story?" He was irritated with the interrogation, to say the least.

"I understand, however... CENTCOM needs to iron out any..." the agent trailed off. "Irregularities." He soon finished, trying to ease the tension.

"Such as?" Jason blinked with surprise as he started to talk more with his hands. "The whole fucking thing was irregular!" He stated the obvious.

"Such as why you allied with an enemy combatant?"

"You weren't fucking there!" Jason leaned forward in his seat to continue his screaming match with the investigator. "Those things were ripping us to shreds. I don't give a damn who it was, we needed all the help we could get!" He explained. "I stepped back into that hell to save Salim. That man was worth five of you people. Semper Fucking Fi!"

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