Part 1/1

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“Happy Thanksgiving, Cyrus!”

Cyrus looked up at the fox gazing down at him from the open doorway and smiled.

“C’mon in! This is going to be great!” Zorori ushered Cyrus inside to the warm smell of a Thanksgiving feast set up in the dining room.

“Everything looks great!” Cyrus sat down to eat, and was surprised when Zorori sat very near him, practically in his lap.

"What are you-"

Zorori silenced him by shoving a piece of turkey into his muzzle. Before Cyrus could even finish chewing the piece of meat, a giant spoonful of mashed potatoes was forced into his mouth.

Next came some biscuits, and stuffing, honey baked ham, corn, and of course more turkey than he could handle. The tricky fox snickered with glee and patted the wolf-dragon’s belly between mouthfuls of food dumped down his gullet.

“Whuff…” Cyrus settled in his chair, hugging his stuffed food-baby belly as he hiccuped a few times. He was so full it was getting tough to breathe. “I’m completely stuffed…” He groaned a bit.

“And we’ve just gotten to the best part!” Zorori produced a large blueberry pie with flourish. “Dessert!”

Cyrus’s eyes widened and he stifled a burp. “Oh, I don’t think I could possibly eat another bite-”

“Nonsense! There’s still plenty of room in here,” Zorori rubbed Cyrus’s round tummy like a genie’s lamp. He took a slice of pie in his paw and messily pushed it into his partner’s maw. He could barely protest as he gulped down the pie and panted heavily.

Purple-blue smears covered Cyrus’s muzzle as Zorori shoveled pie crust and thick filling down his muzzle. As Cyrus gazed down his snout at the neverending pie chunks pushed past his teeth, the purple-blue smears began to spread up his nose and into his whiskers…

Cyrus looked down and saw smears of purple-blue dying his fur and rapidly spreading up his arms. At the same time, he felt his stomach begin to swell beyond the amount of food he had just swallowed. His belly sloshed loudly and bounced as it swelled and turned blue.

After he finished the pie, his belly continued to swell as if he were being pumped full of juice. He gasped a bit as his belly surged into his lap and bumped into the table, pushing it back a few inches. It grew bigger and the table slid a few feet away.

His arms spread out and up as his body steadily transformed into a blue, beachball shape. His chair groaned loudly before it collapsed and he bounced back into Zorori with a loud sloshing of his juice-filled belly.

Cyrus continued to swell until his limbs and tail had all but disappeared into his berry body, his cheeks were plump and his stomach sloshed and gurgled endlessly. He could only watch as Zorori rolled him around before he settled him in the living room and climbed onto his new blueberry beanbag to enjoy it.

A Berry Big Thanksgiving Where stories live. Discover now