7. She Belongs To Qingcang

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With an air of dominance, Dongfang Qingcang stood confidently, his tall figure towering over the surroundings. He found himself back from a mysterious portal, and his mind was puzzled. He observed the sandy landscape around him, realizing he had returned to the arid desert-like region, the Xuanxu realm in Cangyan Sea, surrounded by the lifeless bodies of those he had slain earlier that day.

'How long have I been asleep? How did I end up there in the first place?' Qingcang wondered, but he brushed the thought away, choosing to focus on the present.

Qingcang took a deep breath and summoned an icy blue flame from his inner energy by opening his right hand. The flickering flame brought back a vivid memory from his dream—the image of two fires merging, accompanied by the presence of their primordial spirits.

Glancing down, Qingcang saw the Hellfire still burning dazzlingly in his hand. "My Hellfire has recovered," he whispered. The portal and the bold girl lingered in his mind as if it was still holding onto him. Bitterness twisted his features as he fumed over Lina's audacity. "That Silly Little Human dared to be so arrogant. No one had ever escaped my wrath," he muttered through gritted teeth, his anger visible in his clenched fists. "One day, I'll kill her," he growled, vowing with determination and disdain etched on his face.

Out of nowhere, a portal materialized amidst the clouds above, emitting bright beams of yellow-white light from the dark surroundings. Qingcang slightly parted his lips and squinted, the rays growing stronger and illuminating his face. As the light dimmed, his eyes widened, fixated on the clouds forming an enormous circle. The cloud patterns undulated like waves, swirling around his body, accompanied by distant thunder that added to the eerie atmosphere.

"It's the portal," Qingcang whispered to himself, the weight of the realization sinking in. Before he could fully process the revelation, a piercing scream shattered the air, jolting him back to reality. 'That voice...' he thought, recognizing the familiar cry. He briefly looked downward before snapping his gaze back up, a frown appearing on his features. "It's her!" he exclaimed.

Qingcang's eyes widened as the piercing screams reverberated through the portal. Within its depths, he witnessed the young girl attacked by a malevolent entity. A tightness constricted his throat, and a stabbing pain pierced his heart. Kneeling, he groaned in agony, steadying himself with one hand against the ground to stave off unconsciousness. His chest burned as if a searing, jagged blade had stabbed it.

'Why do we share this agony?' Qingcang questioned inwardly, a sense of unease gnawing at his gut. He realized that his fate was now intertwined with that 'annoying girl' and that his life would never be the same. 'So, the times I felt pain weren't due to her tricks? This means... I can't kill her,' his thoughts seethed with frustration.

The Moon Supreme, Dongfang QingcangWhere stories live. Discover now