38. Torn Between Worlds

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Dongfang Qingcang has been torn between two desires lately, but what will he choose? Read and find out.

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Here's music that inspired me to write this chapter, if you'd like :) It sounds a lot like Dongfang Qingcang's theme:

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The next day arrived, and the relentless sun cast its glaring rays directly into Dongfang Qingcang's stunning eyes, compelling him to rouse from his slumber

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The next day arrived, and the relentless sun cast its glaring rays directly into Dongfang Qingcang's stunning eyes, compelling him to rouse from his slumber. Gradually, he pried open his heavy eyelids, struggling to shake off the remnants of weariness that clung to him like a weight after failing to open the portal with Lina the previous day. As he regained his senses, his weary gaze descended with robotic movements, fixating on her form nestled upon his chest, seeking solace from her nightmares by finding refuge in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.

"Qingcang, just remember that you have me. I've told you that you're no longer alone. Even if we can't open the portal, you can still live here in my world with me."

Her voice echoed in Qingcang's mind, resurrecting cherished memories of their shared moments. This level of kindness was foreign to him, for he had never encountered such genuine care. From childhood, he had been treated as nothing more than a formidable weapon against the fairies, devoid of individuality or vulnerabilities. In the past, any hint of weakness had been met with punishment rather than empathy. At first, he regarded her as an enemy, a burden, and a liability he wished to rid himself of at the first opportunity.

"It's because I'd miss you... tremendously."

Lina's confession from the previous night echoed in Qingcang's recollection. He stole a sidelong glance at her, his mind swirling with confusing thoughts. He exhaled deeply. 'Her words stirred my heart last night. But why does she feel this way?' he pondered, captivated by her sentiment. What he suspected her to feel, that he perceived, was a sensation of yearning, of longing, and something unfamiliar to him. 'The sensation was similar to the moments when we kissed, except it didn't drain my life force,' he mused, vividly remembering their kisses through the portal, the tantalizing alteration of her taste buds with their near-kiss, and the two kisses they shared when she fell into his embrace. The captivating scent that enveloped her, the accelerated rhythm of her heart, the supple touch of her skin, and the intoxicating sensation of her plush lips upon his own.

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