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Someone knocked on Momo's house, where Nayeon was. Despite everything, the two were like sisters. Nayeon went to open the door and found a beautiful girl in front of her.

-Im Nayeon?

-It's me

-Minatozaki Sana- said the girl, extending her hand.

Nayeon shook it. -Is that you? They told me on the phone that they would send me an uglier girl

-Is there any problem?

-No, no. Come in

Sana walked in and the two girls headed for the sofa.

-What should I do?- asked the Japanese.

-You will have to pretend to be an entrepreneur and say you want to invest in Yoo Jeongyeon

-Why do such a thing? She will be disappointed when she finds out that it is not so- said the actress.

-Instead it is so, because I already own the restaurant that you will have to give her

-Do you own a restaurant and want to give it to her?

-You don't know how hard it was to buy the place... No question. I just want you to do what I tell you


Momo was cleaning the counter, while Jeongyeon was cleaning. It had been three weeks since she and Nayeon hadn't seen each other but she was managing to tolerate her urge to take refuge in alcohol. They were about to close but there is always time for one last customer.

-Good evening, Yoo Jeongyeon's YeonYeon?

The blonde was surprised. -It's me

The girl smiled. -I am Minatozaki Sana, I work for food chains and I heard about the Jeon Constructions scandal. There have also been articles on the name of the supplier of her coffee shop and they say that you walked away because you knew about the scandal

-No, my matters with Mr. Jeon are personal

-Good. We're not here to talk about him. If you've served such a presumptuous and critical man, you must be really good. Would you be interested in a collaboration?

-A collaboration?

-I have a club that I don't place. It is very large and also has a garden. I am ready to give it to you, if you take some people dear to me to work

-Excuse me, are you kidding?

-Absolutely no. They need a job and no one would hire them because they are bad. If you hired them, you would help me a lot

-Mh... I have to think about it

Sana smiled. -It's understandable. I leave you my business card- The Japanese took the card out of her bag and gave it to Jeongyeon. -Call me when you can

-I will do it. Thank you

-To you. See you soon

Sana went out and Momo walked over to Jeongyeon. -Pretty, right?

-Mh- Jeongyeon looked at the card she had in her hands. -What should I do?

-Check the veracity of the proposal and, if everything is in order, why not?

-I have to be very careful and read the terms of the contract

-Exactly. Don't make haste guide you

Two days had passed and Jeongyeon was still thinking about what to do. When she had some free time at a decent time, she decided to call Sana and asked her to meet.

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