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-Are you telling me that you would rather lose the restaurant than lose... Your relationship?- Nayeon yelled, almost scolding her.

Jeongyeon finally turned her gaze and met Nayeon's. -Why not?

That conversation had been stuck in Nayeon's mind and it didn't seem to want to leave it. The girl hadn't been able to sleep all night. She felt like a teenager who had had a fight with her best friend over some silly thing. She went to university and tried to concentrate. She had to graduate. She had to do at least one good thing in her life. When she went to the bar, however, Momo immediately noticed that something was wrong.

-Spill the tea. Did something happen between you and Jeong?

-She said that she would rather give up the restaurant than lose... Me, what we had

-Oh. This is a sign of true love

-Do you think that at this point I should tell her the truth?

-You lied to her because you know she wants to do things on her own. She's still paying for the restaurant, albeit in installments. After what she told you, I think it's time to tell her the truth

-How do you think she will react?

-I can't predict it. I can't tell you that everything will be fine. I can't tell you that you will get back together. I can't even tell you that she will hate you

-I'm scared, Momo

-Then don't do it. But... Don't let fear overcome your emotions. Haven't you always said that there is nothing stronger than your love for her?

-It's because I love her that I'm afraid of losing her

-Can it possibly get worse than this?

Momo wasn't entirely wrong. While the Japanese went to serve at a table, Nayeon remained thinking about what to do. She had to ask another person for advice to make sure she was doing the right thing.


-Hey Chae. Is Mina there?

-Yup. I was going shopping. Do you want something?

-No thanks

-Then bye

Nayeon went to Mina and Chaeyoung's room and knocked. The Japanese opened thinking that her girlfriend had forgotten something but she found Nayeon in front of her.

-I have to ask you for some advice

-Hi, come on in

Nayeon settled on her friends bed and Mina sat next to her.

-I would like to tell Jeongyeon the truth


-But I'm afraid

-Telling the truth is always the right thing

-What if she ends up hating me?

-Isn't it worse that she thinks you did that thing? In the end she forgave you anyway

-I feel like sh*t. How could I get myself in such a big mess?

-Now can you see where lies lead to?

-I know but... Wouldn't you have done the same if you had known that Chaeyoung has a dream?

-I would have found another method. What you have done is surreal

-How do you think I should tell her? Should I invite her somewhere and tell her? Go straight to the point? Make it easier to digest?

-Of course, I'm not saying to be blunt, but don't mince words. I think it's okay to just invite her over

-I don't have a home

-Oh yeah. Ask her to see you at her place

-Okay. Thank you

-And with Sana? Do you have news of them?

-Sana is already flirting with another girl and my YeonYeon is feeling bad about it

-Why does everyone make her suffer?

-Because we are ungrateful humans, that's why

Nayeon had asked Jeongyeon to meet that evening. The blonde had told her that she would finish at eleven but the black-haired girl didn't care. She personally picked her up from work and glared at Sana when she hugged her ex. That girl had some nerve...

-Nayeon, do you have to tell me something urgent?

They were in the parking lot of the Ye. Now they were the only ones left. Nayeon took a deep breath and looked into her eyes.

-It's about the Jungkook thing

Jeongyeon assumed a cold attitude. -I don't really feel like talking about it

-Please listen to me. It's important

-It's fine...

-Where do I start? From the beginning... Then... You probably have a lot to say to me but express everything when I'm done talking. Okay?

-Okay- Jeongyeon was worried. What else could there be?

-After years you had finally found the restaurant you wanted: big, close to the city, with a garden... It was perfect and you could even pay for it in installments. You were so happy and did nothing but talk about it. I admit that initially I was a little jealous but then I realized that I just had to share your happiness because your smile is the most precious thing I have. Then when they bought the restaurant because they had more to offer... You were so sad and I couldn't stand seeing you so destroyed. It's been your dream for years and there's nothing worse than delusion. So I asked my boss to build a restaurant. I chose the area, the dimensions, the furnishings... We put together a great team of architects. It was amazing how everyone worked for you. However, to make you happy, I had to pay somehow and, having no money, he told me he wanted to sleep with me...

-What the f*ck are you talking about!?

-Please, let me talk. I was so disgusted, horrified, felt so guilty and a sl*t. In the end I accepted just to make you happy, to make your dream come true. This went on for three months. There wasn't a day that I didn't think about you and I couldn't help but feel like sh*t

-Do not lie. Why were you suddenly happy?

-Because after less than a month I had seen an old place being transformed into a beautiful restaurant. I was over the moon. I couldn't tell you though because you have this craze of wanting to do everything by yourself. So I contacted an actress pretending to be an entrepreneur


-Sana- She nodded. -Everything was fine but then she started to like you and I went crazy. Forgive me for all this. I just wanted to make you happy. I wanted your dream to come true

-What the f*ck did I just hear!? This is crazy! Did you risk our relationship to indulge my stupid whim? Did you sleep with a monster for this? You made me cry and suffer just to make my dream come true!? Nayeon, do you understand that my dream will never be complete without you!?

I have to be quick (writing other books) because if this book ends I don't know what to publish

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