chapter 6: The fight

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'Forgive me tanjiro, but I have to fight you...'

Giyuu and tanjiro lounge towards each other. Giyuu reflects an attack getting pushed back in the process. He gets back up right away jumping over tanjiro.

Couple minutes later
(I can't write fight scenes)

'Water breathing, fourth form'

'Striking tide'

With a swift, fast motion of his katana he trys to block tanjiros attacks. Tanjiros blads move to fast for him to see. He jumps out of the way of the blades as fast as he can. Tanjiro sends a sharp blad hurdling at him that moves at an immense speed.

It cuts a deep wound into giyuus left arm, another one is sent at him knocking him back. He flies into a tree making it shake causing some of the leafs to fall.

" need to fight it!.."
Giyuu desperately yells

Giyuu manages to get the words out through a shaky breath. He holds the wound on his arm looking directly at tanjiro. He growls at giyuu who is now leaning his back against the tree.

His face drops a little as he looks at giyuu. His eyes flash back to normal for a second before he screeches going back into his hostile state. Giyuu sees this and stands up completely still a little shaky.

Tanjiro snarls, sending a couple of his sharp blades at giyuu. He trys to jump out of the way but he gets cut on his right leg and right side of his torso. Giyuu makes some space between him and tanjiro then takes a deep breath.

"You're family wouldn't want to see you like this tanjiro! Think about nezuko!"
Giyuu shouts

Tanjiro twitches after what giyuu had said, he staggers backwards while grabbing his head. Tanjiro looks up at giyuu reaching out...then everything goes black.



A soft voice can be heard, tanjiros eyes flutter open slowly to see a blue sky...

Tanjiros thinks

His thoughts seem to echo out of nowhere. He looks to his right then to his left, he looks back up at the sky. He continues to lay spiraled out on the floor. He doesn't seem to know where he is or why, tanjiro can't seem to move. He feels as he's laying on clouds to relaxed to move.


"Oni-chan we're here for you"

Tanjiro's eyes widen at the voices. He looks to his sides again to see three of his siblings sitting there. He starts to tear up on seeing his siblings once again.

"We miss you oni-chan!"

"You need to stop yourself...oni-chan"

"Tanjiro, need to calm down"

Tanjiro blinks and sees his mom leaning over him as well as some of his other siblings. Glancing around he soon sees all of his family members.

"Don't worry about us oni-chan, you should worry about him"

"Come on! You can't let him take over can you?"

Tanjiro burst into tears as his father fades into view. He suddenly sits up gasping for air, he feels warm after catching his breath. Blinking the tears away he finally realizes his family is hugging him.

He hugs them all back screaming and crying in pain, not able to bare the pain of never being able to see them again.

He closes his eyes tight shut slowly calming down. Tanjiro opens them again to find himself now in his fathers arms. He looks up at his father who smiles at him.

"Tanjiro, my must control the demon side of you. You're humanity is still greatly within you, you mustn't let it go."

"My humanity..?"

"Yes, you don't want to hurt others...but if it fades away you just you did to him"
Tanjuro explains

Tanjuro stands up and turns away from tanjiro. Tanjiro stands up after his father. His father looks back one last time and smile as he fades away...

Tanjiro stands there alone once more with his head hung low. Everything his family said racing through his head.

'Him...him...who were they talking about-'



Launching himself forward tanjiro gasps for air again. He breaths heavily, nothing coming into focus.


He looks to his left to see giyuu sitting there. Tanjiro scans giyuu frantically eyed widening on seeing his deep wounds.

"I'm so sorry!"
Tanjiro shouts

He looks at giyuu teary-eyed not knowing what to do about the wounds. Giyuu brings tanjiro into an embrace intending to calm the demon teen down.

"It's fine now..."
Giyuu said

Tanjiro slumps in giyuu's arms, being careful of his injuries.


"Ara ara tomioka-san, what happened to you?"
Shinobu happily

Giyuu stays quiet. He sits on a bed in the recovery room of shinobus estate. Shinobu puts some medicine in giyuus wound and wraps a few up. She stitches the last one up which was the deepest.

"And done! The one on you're arm was pretty deep"
Shinobu says

Giyuu nods then looks over at his arm. Shinobu leaves him alone to rest. He lays down on the bed slightly worried if tanjiro is ok.

He had left tanjiro behind because he couldn't bring him past the wisteria tree's.


Tanjiro is sitting in a tree not to far from the area. He stays in the tree not moving to not gain any unwanted attention. Still incredibly sorry for hurting giyuu he slucks.

Months later

Giyuu is discharged from the butterfly estate now that his injuries have healed enough. Giyuu leaves and views the area for tanjiro. He's not sure about tanjiros whereabouts since he last left him alone.

Walking off into the forest he starts scouting the area.

Giyuu calls out

Giyuu continues to search the forest worry starts to slowly creep inside of him. As he continues he senses something near him. Looking around he spots tanjiro asleep in a tree. Giyuu jumps into the tree next to him as quietly as he can.

"Tanjiro, wake up"
Giyuu says

In his usual monotone voice he shakes tanjiro awake. He sees tanjiro's eye's open and backs up a bit.

Tanjiro tiredly asks

Tanjiro yawns then sits up. He stares at giyuu for a minute before realizing that he's ok. Tanjiro jumps down from the tree. Giyuu does the same and immediately gets hugged after.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it"
Tanjiro says

Giyuu just hugs him back softly not saying anything. He smiles a bit which tanjiro notices, he smiles back. They break the hug and walk towards the dirt path out of the forest.


I'm sorry this is late. I bruised my arms and legs while rollerskating ;-;

Anyway, have a good night or day

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