Chapter 6

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"He did what?"

"What you heard" I say, taking a sip from my tea.

"Thank God the Mayor was there. Who knows what that man could have done to you."


"Did he tell you that he asked me about you?" Mrs. Smart asks, raising an eyebrow. "I think he is interested in you."

"He has a girlfriend. My cousin."

"Oh, but if the gossip is right, which usually is on this town, she won't be his girlfriend for much longer."

"She won't?" I ask, trying to sound uninterested.

"Yep. They say he is tired of her not doing anything. She behaves as the first lady, but does nothing a first lady would do beyond walking around town with a new outfit each day. He has offered her jobs, to take care of charity stuff and things like that, but she has refused."

"Maybe she is planning on taking over Daisy's."

"Ha!" Mrs. Smart says. "They only want Daisy's because of where it is built. That land is said to cost a fortune."



"Wait... so that's why Rúben said that my uncle had other plans for Daisy's."

"Exactly. They only want the money."

"Victoria doesn't look like someone struggling with money."

"Because Rúben is the one paying for everything. Your uncle has no money, wasted it all on bad investments years ago. That is one of the reasons why he and your father didn't speak to each other."

"And that's why he so desperately wants my inheritance. They have no money."

"And he knows that living through Rúben is coming to an end rather sooner than later. All the money your father left you, plus the selling of Daisy's and his car, could fix their problems. At least for a while."

"My father's car? That old thing is worth some money?" I ask. I saw it the other day at the garage, and it just looked like a very old car.

"A lot according to what I was told. More tea?"


"You know, when you texted me to come over, I thought we would be going to your room, not the garage."

"Can you please stop thinking with your dick for five minutes?" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Ok, fine" Mason says with a big grin. "What are we doing here?"

"You know about cars, don't you?"

"I do, yes. Why?"

"Is it true that this car is worth some money?" I say, taking off the sheet that was covering my father's car.

"The Impala!" he says, his eyes going wide. "I had totally forgotten about it."

"The Impala?" I ask as Mason moves his hands all over the car, caressing it and making me feel... jealous? Can you be jealous of the way a man touches a car?

"Yes. Chevrolet Impala. 69" he says, looking at me with a cheeky smile and making me roll my eyes again. "Dean has been in love with it since we were kids. His grandfather had one from 67 and he loved it, but they had to sell it. Are you thinking about selling it too?"

"I don't know. Maybe. I don't see myself driving something this big."

"It isn't that big. But next to your mini... Should we check if it still works?"

"Yeah, sure. Here is the key."

"Oh, that noise!" Mason says once the engine starts working. "Come on in, let's take it out for a spin."

"What? The steering wheel is to the left, do you know how to drive one of those?"

"I do. C'mon" he says, patting the seat next to him with his hand. "I promise I'll go slow."

"You better."


"No wonder Dean loves this car so much. It is amazing" Mason says while driving.

"Yeah, yeah" I say, looking around. Despite being in the garage for God knows how long, my father had taken good care of it, and the inside looks perfect. Even the radio works. "What is this?" I say after opening the glove compartment.

"It has your name on it" Mason says, looking at the envelope on my hands now that we are at a stop.

"There is something heavy inside it" I say, opening it.

"A key?"

"And that looks like an address. Dou you recognize it?"

"That's a farm outside town. Didn't know Josh and Mr. James were friends... Should we go pay him a visit?"



"This place is huge" I say as we drive into the farm. "What does Mr. James do for a living?"

"He used to have cows, both for meat and milk. But he is retired now" Mason says, stopping the car.

"He won't show up with a gun or something because we are trespassing, right?"

"You are such a city girl" Mason laughs, getting out of the car.

"Don't make fun of me, Mount. I would like to see you at the tube during rush hour."

"I knew that sound was familiar" a male voice says. "Though it has been a while."

"Mr. James, hi" Mason says. "Do you remember me?"

"Of course I do. You are Tony's grandson. And you are..." Mr. James says, looking at me. "You are Josh's daughter, aren't you? I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you" I say.

"What brings you here?" Mr. James asks.

"I found your address and this key inside the car. We were wondering what it was."

"Oh... I see. Come, follow me" the man says. "You look exactly like your mum when she was your age."

"That's what I've been told, yes."

"Have you also fallen for one of us like she did?" he says, nodding towards Mason.

"We are just friends" I quickly say.

"Very good friends" Mason adds with a smirk, making me wish I could punch him.

"The key?" Mr. James says, stopping in front of a huge barn.

"Here, sorry" I say, handing it to him.

"Holy shit" Mason says once the doors open and the light is on. "Are those... cars?"

"Yep" Mr. James says. "They all belonged to Josh, so I guess they now belong to you since you inherited everything."

"What am I supposed to do with so many cars?" There were around twenty of them, all covered with sheets to make sure they didn't get any dust.

"Drive this one, for example" Masons says, moving the sheet so I can see an original red mini underneath it. "This is the one you fancy, isn't it?"

"It actually is, yes. Are they... Are they all classics?" I ask Mr. James.

"All of them. And at the back there also are some motorbikes."

That makes Mason's eyes go even wider before he starts running to where the bikes are supposed to be.

"Oh... my... God!" he screams. "We so need to go on a ride on these. They are gorgeous!"

"Kids" I say, rolling my eyes but not being able to hide a smile. He is too cute when he gets excited.

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