Chapter 2|| Meeting her parents

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Lexdine Fluff
Request by Ev3r10ng
Lexy POV
Today Nadine is going to meet my parents and my sister, I was nervous because I wonder how my mom is going to react me dating a girl instead of junior but then again, she always thought junior was a bad influence so I probably shouldn't care about it. "Lexy, when is your date coming?" My mother asked "sh-THEY! They will be in a minute" I said not trying to telling them that my date is a girl yet. The door bell rang "oh! He is here!" My mother went to opened the door but I opened it first and saw Nadine in the most beautiful clothes I ever seen.

"Hey Nadine!" I hugged her then my mother saw her "oh, sweetie, we're going to meet Lexy dat-" I interrupted my mother "mom, please move" I said and she did moved

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"Hey Nadine!" I hugged her then my mother saw her "oh, sweetie, we're going to meet Lexy dat-" I interrupted my mother "mom, please move" I said and she did moved. I brought Nadine in and bring her to the table, I saw my dad and my sister sitting while my mother came from behind "mom, dad, this is Nadine. My girlfriend" I said, my sister came up to us and hugged Nadine "hey there, you're are Lexy younger sister. What's your name?" Nadine said and asked my sister "Caroline, I heard great things about you" both of them smiled. "Um Lexy, can I talk to you for a sec?" My mother asked "sure, Nadine be with my sister for a minute" "of course, we are going to have a great time, aren't we?" She tickled my sister which made her laugh. "Hurry up then" I looked back at my mother then we somewhere alone.

"You're a lesbian?" My mother said "yes, what? You're a homophobia?" I asked "no I'm not" she said "then how about this, would you rather me date Nadine who is the most perfect and beautiful girl or me date junior who you think is a bad influence to me? So who do you pick, junior or nadine?" I know she didn't like junior and junior is already dating my best friend, Oliver. She just scoffed and went to back to the others, I followed her and saw Caroline smiling and laughing with Nadine which surprised my mom because Caroline never smile or laugh before "how did you do that?" My mom asked Nadine "do what?" She looked confused "made my sister happy and all" I said going to her "oh, I don't know. Making people laugh and smile is kinda my thing" Nadine said. My mother smiled "should we eat now?" My mother said. We all went to eat at the table.

Nadine POV
I was eating with Lexy's parents and their food is delicious "so Nadine, how did you meet Lexy" lexy's father asked "we meet at the school, I was new and Lexy was my tourist so she showed me around the school. We became friends after some time and then we slowly became girlfriends" I said "that's so sweet. Me and her father met at a park." Her mother told me how lexy's dad and her met back them. "Mom, this isn't about you and dad remember?" Lexy said "oh no, it's fine, I love to hear how parents met back then" I said grabbing her hand. "Please continue" I said looking at her parents.

Lexy POV
When Nadine touched my hand, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I saw Caroline doing kissing faces at me when my parents and Nadine weren't looking, I kicked her leg under the table "ow" she grabbed her leg "oh, sweetie are you okay?" My dad looked worried "she just bit her tongue" I said with a fake smile "right Caroline?" I looked at her with a death stare and she looked like she was about to snitch on me so, I had no other choice but to give her a candy. I pulled out gummy bears and showed her under the table "yes mommy, I just bit my tongue" she snatched the candy. "Okay, Lexy, when did you realize that you like nadine?" My mother said, "Well, when I always hang out with her, I felt butterflies in stomach but I thought that was normal until I told Devon about it and he said it's probably that I liked her. And when me and Nadine started to hang out more, I realized that I did had a crush on her" I explain everything about me realizing my feelings for Nadine

(Dinner Over)

Nadine POV
I helped lexy's mother put away the dishes away "I can clean the dishes for you, if you want, Mrs.Cross" I said and she laughed "no no, you're our guest but thank you" me and her went back to her family "it was a pleasure meeting you, nadine " Mr.Cross said giving me, I hugged him then we pulled away. "It was my pleasure, it was nice meeting Lexy parents and sister" I said "you know, you're always welcome." Mrs. Cross grabbed both of my hands "thank you so much, Mrs and Mr Cross" I said with joy "oh please call us mom and dad for now" Mr. Cros- Lexy father said "sure" I smiled until Lexy pulled me away "mom and dad, you're making her nervous" Lexy said "no, they're not" I said then I checked the time "oh shoot, I have to go " I said "can we hang out tomorrow?" Caroline asked with her stuff animal "sure, I would love that" I said giving her a hug. Lexy pulled us away and took me outside "bye !" I said before Lexy dragged me outside.

Lexy POV
I pulled Nadine outside, "hey slow down" I stopped "why did you do that?" She asked "I didn't like how my sister hugged you" I said "aw, it's nothing to worry. Plus I only love you and your family isn't bad as you thought" she had a big smile, that smile was light up my mood to annoy to happy. "Maybe" I said then kiss her and she kissed back until we heard a honk "sorry, that's my dad" she said and went to the car and was about to go in it until she said this "I will see you tomorrow, love you!" She went in the car and the driver drove off. I blushed when she said she loved me, I saw my mom coming out of the house "She is the one, Don't let go. Also, is she coming tomorrow?" I nodded my head "great! Tomorrow, I will make my best pie and good thing tomorrow is Christmas" she said then went inside. I already had the gift for Nadine and I hope she likes tomorrow.

A/n :
Ev3r10ng I hope you like this and I hope you all like this too. If any of you have any requests, please comment it
Bye everyone now!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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